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Tourism in Indonesia

Tourism in Indonesia

Tourism in Indonesia

Tourist places in Indonesia



Tourism in Indonesia Information about tourist places in Indonesia

Information about tourism in Indonesia


Discover with us what is most characteristic of tourism in Indonesia, and the most important landmarks and attractions of Indonesia. Also, learn about the most beautiful islands in Indonesia and the best tourist cities in them.

The Republic of Indonesia (in Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a country located in Southeast Asia.

Tourism in Indonesia
Information about tourism in Indonesia
Indonesia includes 17,508 islands. With a population of about 238 million people, this is the fourth most populous country, and the largest population in the world of Muslims. Indonesia is a republic, with an elected legislature and president. The capital city of the country is Jakarta.

Indonesia is made up of different ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups spread and dispersed across the many islands. The Javanese are the largest ethnic group in the country and are politically dominant. Indonesia has developed a common identity defined by a national language; As for ethnic diversity and religious pluralism, they were placed within the majority of the Muslim population, and are united by the history of colonialism, resistance and rebellion against this colonialism. Indonesia’s national slogan is: “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (which means “unity in diversity”). Despite its large population and densely populated areas, Indonesia has vast areas of wild land that make it the second largest in terms of biodiversity in the world. Indonesia is rich in natural resources, but poverty is still widespread until now in many parts of contemporary Indonesia.




Culture and history

Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, each with cultural differences that have developed for more than centuries, and have been influenced by European, Malay, Chinese, Arab and Indian sources. Witchcraft or the use of satanic acts is a phenomenon widespread among Indonesians.

Tourist areas in Indonesia
Tanjung Puting
Tanjung Puting National Park is located on the Indonesian island of Borneo in Central Kalimantan province. The park is a popular ecotourism destination, and many local tourism companies can offer boat trips for several days to view wildlife and visit research centers. Wildlife includes macaques, leopards, sun bears, snakes and crocodiles, the most famous of which is orangutans. Unfortunately the park is threatened by illegal logging and deforestation for agricultural use.



– Baliem Valley
Baliem Valley is located in the western highlands of New Guinea and provides a glimpse into what was recently the world of the Stone Age. The valley was unknown to the outside world until 1938 when the first aerial reconnaissance flight southward from the Netherlands (now Jayapura), the inhabitants discovered agriculture.

– Mount Bromo
Gunung Bromo is an active volcano in East Java. With a height of 2,329 meters (7,641 feet) it is not the highest peak in the mountain range, but it is the most famous. The region is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Indonesia and the Java region. The upper part of the volcano has collapsed continuously due to volcanic emissions. It is surrounded by a sea of ​​sand from volcanic sand.



Located in North Sulawesi Island, Bunaken is one of the most famous diving spots in Indonesia. The island is part of Bunaken Marine Park where you can see more than 70% of the fish species that live in the Pacific and Western Oceans. The best time to dive in Bunaken is between April and November.

– Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park is a national park located in the Lesser Sunda Islands which includes the three largest of the Komodo Islands, the Komodo is a subspecies of the largest living reptile in the world that can reach 3 meters or more in length and weigh more than 70 kg.



Located 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of Yogyakarta in Java and Borobudur, it is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in the world. Borobudur was built over a period of 75 years from the 8th and 9th centuries, and used an estimated 2,000,000 kg of stone. The temple was abandoned in the 14th century and remained deserted for reasons that remain a mystery to this day. It was found under piles of volcanic ash in the last century, and today it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia.



– Bali island
Bali is one of the most important island destinations in the world, constantly winning prizes related to being the most important travel destination. It features diverse landscapes, stunning coastlines, tropical beaches, green rice farms and volcanic foothills, and provides a deep and unique spiritual background of Hindu culture.



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Tourism in Spain

Tourism in Spain

Tourist places in Spain

Spain panoramic photo of the beach



Information about tourism in Spain


Tourist information and a comprehensive guide about tourism in Spain, we show you the most important cities and tourist areas in Spain, culture and shopping, in addition to useful information about this destination, which is considered one of the most beautiful European countries.

Spain or the “Kingdom of Spain” is a European country that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the west. And it has borders with France, Andorra, Portugal and Morocco.

Spain is the second country in the world after France according to the number of foreign tourists, according to the reports of the World Tourism Organization. Spain enjoys 7% of the tourism share in the world, more than America and Italy. And Catalonia is the most important place for tourists to visit.




The Spanish territories also include the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast. The origin of Spain’s naming by this name is still the subject of controversy. It may be that the ancient Roman name for Iberia, Hispania, stems from the poetic use of the word Hesperia, which refers to Spain, which in turn It reflects the Greek conception of Italy as the “Western Land” or “Land of the Sunset” (Hesperia) and thus Spain as Hesperia Ultima (Far Sunset Land) being to the west of Italy.

The name may also be derived from Punic Spanish, which means “land of rabbits” or “edge”, referring to Spain’s location on the western edge of the Mediterranean Sea; Roman coins in the area from Hadrian’s reign show a female figure and a rabbit at her feet. There are also beliefs that the word Spain derives from the Basque word espana, meaning “edge” or “border,” which is another reference to the fact that the Iberian Peninsula forms the southwest of the European continent.



Tourism in Spain
Culture and history
Spain is not considered an economic country, but Spain is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world. Spain relies on tourism to increase the sources of its national income because it has a wonderful nature that increases tourists’ orientation to it.



Spain’s history goes back 1,200,000 years. During the following millennia, the Iberian lands were a place of settlement for the Iberian, Celtic, Phoenician, Carthaginian and Greek peoples, and Islam dominated a large part of the Iberian Peninsula within a few years, and the Muslims called the peninsula Andalusia. In the era when most of Europe was in an era of darkness and backwardness, Andalusia was at the height of its prosperity in the scientific and artistic field, and it was multicultural at this time. Gradually, the recovery movement came and the Christian kingdoms gradually took over the lands from the Muslims, and that movement began around the year 722 AD.



Tourist areas in Spain

The National Museum of Catalan Arts in Barcelona
It is one of the largest distinctive and wonderful museums of art and it is very famous and has a distinctive collection of paintings and sculpture works for Roman art and modern art and a lot of attractive paintings, and the National Museum of Catalan Arts is considered one of the most famous tourist places in Spain.

Plaza Catalunya in Barcelona
It is one of the most beautiful squares in the city in the center of Barcelona, ​​it has many cafes and high-end hotels with great design and excellent service, shopping places and a lot of shops and luxurious places, there are many statues that decorate the walls and the square is considered the home of everything from many theaters Cafes, hotels and brands, and Plaque Catalunya is one of Spain’s most famous tourist attractions.



Park Gil in Barcelona
It is a complex of the most beautiful places that are distinguished by its attractive and surprising elements. It contains many places for entertainment such as places for children’s games, an office, a museum, and distinctive services. It is a large-sized garden that symbolizes many of the things that host many birds and monsters.

Barcelona Museum in Barcelona
The most important museum for contemporary art in Barcelona, ​​which displays many distinctive paintings of the most famous stars and foreign artists. This museum was inaugurated on November 28, 1995 and is one of the most important museums in Barcelona and contains contemporary artworks and is one of the best tourist destinations in Spain.

Royal Palace in Madrid
This palace enjoys the luxury and sophistication that the royal families went to during their visit to Spain and it is now a museum open to the public and it is one of the most luxurious palaces in Spain. It is famous for its luxury and distinctive design and includes many gardens and trees and its luxurious designs and contains 2800 luxurious royal rooms and is one of the most important places of tourism in Spain.



Soroya Museum
It became a museum after it was the home of the Spanish painter Soroya, who used to draw the most beautiful paintings of landscapes. The tools of the artist who used to be used during the times of drawing and paintings of his works are still in the museum for display to visitors.

El Retiro Park in Madrid
It is the most beautiful and most famous of Madrid’s parks because of its beauty and distinctive places. The El Retiro Park and Garden is one of the most beautiful tourist places in Spain, and tourists frequently visit them to see the nature of Spain up close. Of course, there are many places that you have to visit, such as the Calahorah Tower, the Archaeological Museum of Cordoba and the Alcazar Castle.



The Alhambra is located in Spain, west of the city of Granada, at the top of the hill of Al Sabika. The palace is surrounded by irregularly shaped walls, and it is bordered on the north by the valley of the Darro River, and on the south by the Valley of Sabika. The construction of the Alhambra Palace was started in 1238 AD and completed its construction in 1358 AD, during the reign of Ibn Al Ahmar, founder of The Nasrid dynasty, and his successors, and Yusef I designed the interior decorations, the palace is distinguished by its large area and the multiplicity of its facilities as it contains many rooms with beautiful Islamic Andalusian decorations and gardens with picturesque fountains.

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tourism in Morocco

tourism in Morocco

Tourist places in Morocco



General information about Morocco

Thanks to its wonderful and moderate climate in most of the year, the Kingdom of Morocco enjoys tremendous tourism popularity, as millions of tourists visit it every year, most of them from the Middle East, specifically the Gulf.

A country located in the far west of North Africa, its capital, Rabat, and its largest city, Casablanca, which is the economic capital, and among the most important cities: Salé, Fez, Marrakesh, Meknes, Tangiers, Agadir, Safi, Tetouan, Oujda, Oujda and Settat. Morocco overlooks the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, with the Strait of Gibraltar in the middle;
Morocco has several mountain ranges: the Rif Mountains, the Middle Atlas, the High Atlas, and the Low Atlas / Sahara. The length of the main peaks, Tadagin: 2465 meters, Bonasser: 3326 meters, Pueblan: 3190 meters.

Tourist attractions in Morocco

1_ Meknes
One of the four cities of the Kingdom of Morocco and closely linked to the name and fame of Sultan Moulay Ismail and turned into a wonderful city in the style of Spanish-Moroccan, surrounded by high walls with large gates and characterized by the presence of many historical monuments and natural sites and is also closer to the city of Roman antiquities in Volubilis.




2 Chaouen or Chefchaouen
A city in the north-east of the magnificent mountain of Morocco, which is the picturesque Medina overlooking a dramatic background of the Rif Mountains, filled with white houses with parts in blue and has a popular market that offers many local handicrafts that are not available anywhere else in Morocco, such as Clothes, wool, woven blankets and goat cheese are also very popular with tourists.

3 port of Essaouira
Essaouira is a port and a tourist city located on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The old city (the old town) is protected by high walls from the eighteenth century as a result of the Portuguese and Spanish attacks, where fortifications are spread with old copper cannons and the walls have a stunning view of the ocean. The city’s beaches are ideal for windsurfing and windsurfing.



4 Fez
One of the two largest ancient cities, which has been almost intact since the Middle Ages, with a population of about 150,000 people, and it is the largest urban city in the world in terms of population, and transportation is provided for goods, donkeys, strollers and motorcycles, and the entire ancient city is surrounded by high walls with a number of city gates. The historic center, with many shops and restaurants on the roof terrace, which is a great way to escape from the crowded streets, especially during sunset and after dark.

5 Casablanca
It is a coastal city and commercial center of the country located in western Morocco, facing the Atlantic Ocean. The French colonial heritage is reflected in the Moorish architecture of the city center, combining Moroccan and European styles. And the most important characteristic of the city is the Hassan II Mosque. The huge mosque was built on the ocean coast. It was partially built in 1993 and includes a minaret, 210 meters high.

Ain Diab Beach is well-known for its entertainment activities and nightlife. As the promenade overlooking the waterfront is filled with cafes, hotels and restaurants, Casablanca is best known for the 1942 movie of the same name with Humphrey Bogart, in which Rick’s Café became very popular.


6 Marrakech
It is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Morocco, due to its pleasant climate, which constitutes a haven from the summer heat, its picturesque nature, and its buildings that are predominantly red, which earned it the nickname “the red city”. Marrakesh is called by other nicknames other than the Red City. It was dubbed the “city of seven men” in reference to a group of seven Sufi scholars who spread political and cultural awareness among the inhabitants of Marrakesh.
Marrakech embraces many rich and ancient historical monuments, which store the ancient history that passed in the city, and for its importance, the city of Marrakesh was included in the UNESCO list of world heritage and antiquities in 1985 AD, [12] and among the most prominent landmarks that exist in the city:

El-Badi Palace:

It is one of the most prominent Moroccan palaces, and is characterized by the abundance of decorations and inscriptions, in addition to the artistic masterpieces in it.
Bahia Palace: The palace was built during the reign of the Alawite state, and it contains royal suites, halls, gardens and displays many of the sculptures.
The Almoravid Dome: One of the signs of the beauty and art of Almoravid architecture. The dome was built in the eleventh century AD.
Al-Katibah Mosque: It is one of the most important mosques in the Maghreb and one of the most important landmarks of the city. It is distinguished by its ornate minaret and contains 11 domes and 17 internal wings.

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Tourism in Emirates

Tourism in Emirates

Tourist places in the Emirates


General information about the Emirates

During the last ten years, the United Arab Emirates has become the first tourist destination in the world thanks to the huge construction boom and the official and popular interest in tourism facilities and projects.

We review together a profile of the United Arab Emirates.

The United Arab Emirates is a federal state located in the east of the Arabian Peninsula in the southwest of the continent of Asia, bordering the southern shore of the Persian Gulf. It has shared maritime borders from the northwest with the State of Qatar, and on the west, it has land and sea borders with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from the southeast with the Sultanate of Oman. The naming of the Emirates comes in relation to the seven emirates that formed a federation among them, namely, the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the emirate of Dubai, the emirate of Sharjah, the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, the emirate of Ajman, the emirate of Umm al-Quwain and the emirate of Fujairah.

The UAE is one of the best Gulf countries in the field of tourism, as it is characterized by the abundance of hotels, complexes, and tourist and archaeological attractions, in which there is the Burj Khalifa, the tallest 2 towers and buildings in the world




The topographic nature of most of the lands of the Emirates, they are deserts interspersed with oases, is a natural extension of the Saudi Empty Quarter desert, also called the “lowland” and rises from the sea level only 300 meters, which is rich in sand dunes and sabkhas in the western part of the Emirates, and extends towards the south with a length of 120 How many passes through Saudi lands. Mountain chains constitute the second section of the desert nature of the Emirates, the most important of which is the northern mountain range parallel to the Oman coast line, and its highest peaks, Jebel Hafeet, reach 1,200 meters above sea level. The third section of the UAE’s topography is the coastal sector with sandy beaches, with the exception of northern areas in Ras al-Khaimah, which form the head of the Hajar mountain range. The coastal sector also contains many salt domes that form small islands in the sea and hills on land. Jebel Dhanna, which is 99 meters high, is one of these terrain manifestations.

The UAE is one of the richest Arab countries and its per capita income is high, and it is one of the petroleum countries whose economy depends mainly on petroleum products and their industries. The UAE has made important updates to its economy with the aim of reducing its dependence on oil and Dubai is considered the first financial center for the Emirates and the Arab Gulf region as a whole and is considered one of the most important The centers of the global economy and most of the workforce in the country are Asian workers, especially Indians, Pakistanis, and others.



touristical monuments
The United Arab Emirates has shown great interest in developing tourism and infrastructure, and has represented the development of various tourism facilities that meet the needs of tourists, as well as upgrading the level of services in the hotel sector, comfortable transportation, as well as holding events and festivals …

The most important tourist attractions in the UAE
Abu Dhabi
The capital of the United Arab Emirates, located on the island of Abu Dhabi, and extends to the mainland and surrounding islands. In the emirate there are many centers of tourist attractions, the most important of which are:
Sheikh Zayed Mosque The Sheikh Zayed Mosque was built according to the instructions of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the mosque, which was designed according to the highest architectural and aesthetic standards, is one of the main landmarks of the city. Crystal and ceramics.



-Emirates Palace
The Emirates Palace is managed by the international (Kempinski) Hotel Group, and its cost has reached nearly $ 3 billion, and the hotel, which is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, consists of 400 rooms and suites, and used in its interiors materials of marble and pure gold. Major festivals and international concerts are held in the hotel – which is located on the city’s beach near the Heritage Village and Marina Center.

The section fortress
A heritage and archaeological landmark in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, built nearly 200 years ago; In order to protect the emirate from attacks by bandits. Due to its high heritage value in the history of the emirate, Al Maqta Fort has undergone important restoration operations in the past years, and the same applies to most of the forts in the country.

-Ferrari world
A modern gaming city, which is the largest indoor games city in the world, including the Yas Marina Circuit on which the Formula 1 International Race is held, and it is located on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi. With an area of ​​200 thousand square meters, it was inaugurated at the end of 2010.



The emirate of Dubai – which is the second largest emirate in the country by area – is located on the eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Gulf. It is distinguished by its cultural diversity. The emirate includes many landmarks that have become a symbol of its renaissance, and the slogan of marketing the emirate worldwide, the most important of which are:

-Burj Khalifa
It is the tallest building in the world currently, and was officially inaugurated in 2010, and its height exceeds 800 meters.
Emaar Properties – the owner of the tower – began construction work in 2004 at a cost that then reached nearly 5 billion dirhams, and it was inaugurated in 2010, and the total area of ​​the tower is about 4,000,000 square meters.

Burj Al Arab
The only hotel in the world that is classified within the category of (7) stars, it was officially opened in 1999 at a cost of about 650 million dollars, and the tower is built on an artificial island a hundred meters from the seashore.

Palm Jumeirah
The first island in the open sea in the shape of a palm tree, construction began on this island in June 2001.

Atlantis, The Palm

A 1,539 room hotel located in the center of the crescent of the Palm Jumeirah industrial island in Dubai. This joint venture has been developed with a government investment company.
It was opened in 2009 on a total area of ​​about 46 hectares with 17 hectares

Tarra from the water parks.
The hotel offers a marine zoo with 65,000 marine animals in shallow lakes and shows such as lost rooms, a maze of underwater corridors and ports that provide a journey through ancient Atlantis.



The Dubai Fountain
The Dubai Fountain is a dancing fountain located in the vicinity of the Dubai Mall in front of Burj Khalifa in the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Designed using a dancing water system, the Dubai Fountain occupies 30 acres of the Burj Khalifa manmade lake in Downtown Dubai.

Types of tourism in the United Arab Emirates
The diversity of the tourism product that the country has been offering for years is a major factor in the increase in its tourism attractiveness. Where the components of this product meet the requirements and interests of tourists, whether it is shopping tourism, medical tourism or business tourism, and attending major events and festivals, and specialized international activities; What made it stand out and specialize in many tourism sectors that attract the interest of tourists, the most important of which are:

Tourism events and festivals
Throughout the year, many major events are held in the country, which contribute to attracting tourists, and the most prominent of these events that take place in Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi Classical Music Festival

The event is usually held in the Emirates Palace, and the festival, which is the first of its kind in the region, will present the most important musicians of this type in the world.

Womad Festival
It is considered the most prominent multicultural festival in the world; Where he presents a group of international artists in the field of art, dance, singing and parades, and on the sidelines of the festival, many activities are held that aim to introduce the cultures of the peoples of the world.



Dubai Shopping Festival
The festival, which began in 1996, is held annually in the winter season, and many shopping centers spread across the emirate offer discounts on various merchandise, and the festival includes many activities such as contests and singing festivals, as well as allocating many prizes that are distributed to shoppers throughout the period. The festival, and throughout the festival, the emirate witnesses daily fireworks displays as well as daily shows in the shopping centers participating in the festival aiming to provide fun and entertainment for its visitors.

Dubai Film Festival
The festival’s first session opened in 2004, and the festival brings together top filmmakers from around the world, and it is also an opportunity for filmmakers to display their latest artworks. On the sidelines of the festival, the films that win prizes dedicated to the best works of art are honored.

Sharjah Water Festival
The festival, which is held annually on the banks of Khalid Lake, primarily targets families, and the festival adds an atmosphere of fun and entertainment in an educational and educational manner, and the festival is of great importance for the tourism sector in the emirate. The Commercial and Tourism Development Authority is keen to renew the annual events of the festival by adding innovative ideas such as: circus on the ice, snowboarding shows, colorful box shows, pet shows, and other international entertainment shows, in addition to the heritage area and the games area.

Shopping tourism
It means traveling for the sake of shopping from countries that are characterized by an abundance of shopping complexes, in addition to the quality of prices. As all the emirates of the country allow this type of tourism, while the emirate of Dubai is the most popular destination for shopping tourism; Because it is home to a lot of shopping centers; What made it worthy of the title of the shopping capital of the Middle East.
The emirate has the largest and best shopping centers in the world; Therefore, it has become one of its main landmarks, as it provides its visitors with unique and varied entertainment experiences, the most important of which are:

-Emirates Mall
It is considered one of the most modern and largest shopping centers in the world; It includes an ice skating rink, and the area of ​​this center, which is located on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, is 223 thousand square meters, and provides a full range of shopping services. It also has a multi-cinema with 14 screens, and the commercial market theater that accommodates 500 seats. Along with an accompanying arts center and 70 cafes and restaurants.
-The Dubai Mall
The Dubai Mall is the largest mall in the world. Where the commercial market accommodates more than 1200 retail stores, and there is an ice rink, a cinema with 22 display screens, in addition to an aquarium – the only one of its kind – in addition to a gold market to start the tour with.

The center specializes in the most famous brands in the world, and Mercato is a term that means “market” in Italian in a modern way. The center has a theater located on the ground floor dedicated to holding events, theatrical performances and exhibitions during the Dubai Shopping Festivals and Dubai Summer Surprises.

Gold and diamond complex
It included the major international brands specialized in the trade of gold and diamonds, and in it the finest collections of modern jewelry are displayed. This complex is located on Sheikh Zayed Road, and is considered one of the main tourist attractions in the Emirate of Dubai. Many tourists visit it to shop and buy, and the complex, which began operating in 2001, has managed to achieve a great spread as the best place in Dubai to buy gold and diamond jewelery.


Archeology tourism
In the United Arab Emirates there are many archaeological areas that reflect the nature of life of those who resided on the land of this country, and the civilizations that came to it since ancient times ago, and the most important of these areas are:
Mother of Fire
Umm Al Nar is an archaeological island close to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, it was first discovered in 1959, and the monuments dating back to approximately 2500 BC and located on the island contribute to defining the culture of the early inhabitants of the Emirates, those who worked in fishing, and practiced trade outside the borders of the island; To reach Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.
The island includes 50 burials, some of which are circular in shape. The effects on the island also include personal toiletries and a

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Tourism in Austria

Tourism in Austria

Tourist places in Austria



Information about tourism in Austria

When charming nature meets various tourist attractions, then you are in Austria, that European country that enjoys wonderful and renewed tourist attractions throughout the year.

Austria, or officially the Republic of Austria, is a federal republic in the beating heart of Europe and it is a sophisticated, brilliant world full of architecture, palaces, fashion and elegance, with luxurious palaces to be seen in bright lush gardens and buildings whose ceiling is adorned with statues and generous decorations and the finest art in antique pieces.




Austria is a closed country and has no sea fronts. It is bordered by Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary (Hungary), Slovenia and Italy, and most of its territories are located in the Alps region.

Austria has become one of the most popular European holiday destinations for travelers from the Middle East, especially families who enjoy unspoiled nature with green meadows, crystal clear lakes and snow-capped mountain peaks in Austria. Historic Austrian cities such as Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck are also very popular for shopping and visiting the attractions located in picturesque city centers or just to spend a nice time relaxing in one of the many parks or cafes in them.

The number of visitors and tourists to Austria reached about 33 million annually, according to the Ministry of World Tourism’s 2007 census. The number of tourists reached almost the same number according to the Austrian Tourist Authority’s 2010 census. There are many tourist places in Austria, and we mention, for example, the Gastein Valley and the Utz Valley.



Culture and history
Austria is a country rich in beautiful places and picturesque nature, the history of this country dates back to the second century BC, where there was the Kingdom of Noricum.In 15 BC, the Roman state took over Austrian lands during the reign of Caesar Aucustus, and since then many of the cities of Austria go back to the era of the Romans Such as Vienna (Vendopona), Salzburg (Uvum).

After the death of the Roman Caesar Mark, the Roman era ended in Austria, where the Romans withdrew and left it to the Germans, and with this the Austrian culture became a mixture between the Germans and the Romans. Austria is also rich in beautiful landscapes, and wonderful country houses that overlook the Elbe Mountain, and the magnificent deer abounds in it, so it is a magnet for tourists. Here are some of the great tourist areas in Austria that are sure to make your trip special and extra special in spending fun time in the wonderful and luxurious country hotels with elegant buildings.



Tourist areas in Austria

There are many places that charm you in Austria, even walking in its streets is considered unparalleled tourism in itself, but there are some places I advise you to visit without hesitation:

The Hofburg imperial palace and Schönbrunn Palace
It is the official residence of the President of the State of Austria, where he resides in the winter due to its beautiful location in the winter season, while the Schönbrunn Palace is his residence in the summer and in ancient times the palace was the residence of the kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and after that it became the seat of the Emperor of Austria until In 1918, so the magnificent palaces are distinguished by their old and wonderful building from the Roman era, who was interested in building in a distinctive way, especially as it was the palace of the greatest Roman kings.

-Opera House
It is an amazing architectural building in the middle of the capital. Hodar the most famous opera in the world. The orchestra is recognized as the largest in the world, and is an ancient building from the Middle Ages distinguished by its spaciousness and artistry.



Seefeld and Tirol
An important and distinctive place for the Winter Olympics, as Seefeld is the center of cross-country skiing and enjoys terrain that is compatible with beginners and skiers. It is located on a picturesque nature reserve, and is the ideal place for picnics in hot weather, while the Seefeld area is a place for relaxation and high-end luxury.

Milk Monastery
It is one of the most famous houses in the world. It is located at the top of the cliff and overlooks the Danube River. It was before it became the monastery of the castle of Leopold II, and it was converted into a house for monks due to the calm that fills the place and this is considered the favorite place for monks. He is considered one of the greatest examples of Baroque architecture and the flourishing musical and liberal arts since that time.

Hohensalzburg Fortress in Salzburg
Also called the Magnificent Castle of Salzburg, it is one of the largest and most well-preserved castles since the Middle Ages in all of Europe. Located at the top of the Festungsberg mountain, there are great castle towers over the city of Salzburg, with spectacular skyline views. This castle includes “Salzburg,” and there is an amazing piece of medieval architecture, which represents the heart of the city of Salzburg, and Hohensalzburg Castle is one of the major tourist areas in Austria.

Saint Anton am Arlberg
It is a ski resort in St. Anton am Arlberg. This village is located in Tyrol. Where all Europe and the world go to him to spend a good time skiing.

– Alps
Alpine road, where this road looks out to Kaiser Franz Josef. From there you can see the palace with a charming view of the mountain. From there, you can get the view from the highest mountain in Austria, while the Grossglockner Alpine Road is a dead road.
This is a small glimpse of Austria, but the most beautiful in Austria, so I recommend you to visit it all And spend fun times there

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The most important tourist cities in Russia

The most important tourist cities in Russia

The best tourist destinations and places in Russia



Tourism in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Saint Petersburg

A traveler’s guide for the most important tourist cities in Russia


Tourism in Russia, the largest country in the world by area and shared geographical borders with many countries in Asia. It is considered the oldest country in Europe and has a history with many countries of the world, and this is evident in its monuments and the shape of its ancient architecture affected by many other countries and the number of its cities is many, as the number of Russia’s cities exceeds about one hundred and fifty cities.

The cities of all Russia are distinguished by a beautiful nature that you cannot see anywhere else, as its northern climate differs, which abounds in white, glacial mountains that are far from our hot environment, and where we see arctic forests, animals and types of rare plants.

In addition to its ancient antiquities and history, every city in Russia tells a story and has tourist attractions that distinguish it, parks, resorts, sports games that are famous for it and celebrations. All these factors made it the most famous city in the world to receive numbers of tourists in the thousands per day, especially from Arab travelers, so make sure that if you come to Russia, then your trip Less than a month was enough for her to enjoy everything in it.

List of the most important tourist cities in Russia
Russia is home to countless numbers of historical monuments that have witnessed defining events in human history, and it is also the destination of many wonderful examples of dazzling art everywhere in Russia, not just in its wonderful museums.



In addition, and contrary to popular belief, Russia also contains many beautiful cities that are often described as among the most beautiful in the world. Let us know through this guide on the most beautiful tourist cities in Russia that you can visit in Russia:

Tourism in Moscow Moscow
The Russian capital, Moscow, is the most important city among the tourist cities in Russia and one of the best cities that you can visit in Russia, famous for being an ideal destination for lovers of arts, especially ballet, symphonies and various other types of arts, and it is also full of beautiful historical churches, and a lot of other famous tourist and historical attractions. The most famous are the Kremlin Building, Red Square, and famous historical museums such as the Gulag and the Cold War Museum.


Tourism in Moscow, Russia
Tourism in St. Petersburg Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, which was known in the past as Leningrad, is the second largest and most important city for tourism in Russia, and it is one of the ancient Russian cities where it was founded in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great, as Saint Petersburg was at one point Capital of the Russian Empire.

Saint Petersburg changed its name to Leningrad in 1924, before returning to know its original name at a later time, Saint Petersburg is known as one of the most popular beach tourism destinations in the northern region of Russia, it includes a collection of the most wonderful art collections in the world and you can find it in a museum The famous Hermitage.



Tourism in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Saint Petersburg
Tourism in Kazan
The Russian city of Kazan is the meeting point of European and Asian cultures, and it is sometimes called Istanbul the Volga River for the same reason. Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan and is one of the largest and most beautiful Russian cities.



Often described as the third capital of Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg, the city is famous for being home to many famous tourist and historical attractions, including the remains of the Kazan Fortress or the Kazan Kremlin as it is called in Russian, as well as the famous Qul Sharif Mosque.

Tourism in Kazan, Russia
Tourism in Irkutsk
The city of Irkutsk is located in the Russian federation that bears the name Irkutsk Oblast, specifically in the confluence of the Irkut and Angar rivers in Eastern Siberia.

The city contains a beautiful collection of churches, including the Ascension Church, as well as numerous museums that include geological and historical museums.

Tourist cities in Russia
Tourism in Nizhny Novgorod
The city of Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth largest tourist city in Russia, and it is located at the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers, and the city was initially a fortress dating back to the thirteenth century.

Known at one point as the city of Gorky, Nizhny Novgorod has now become an ideal destination for those wishing to immerse themselves in Russian art and architecture, as it is home to more than 600 beautiful statues and sculptures, and at least 200 art museums and halls for concerts and theatrical performances.

Tourist cities in Russia
Nizhny Novgorod
Tourism in Vladivostok
Vladivostok is a beautiful city surrounded by mountains and bays and found in eastern Russia, it is the last stop on the railway line that passes through Siberia, and Vladivostok is known as the largest port in the country on the Pacific Ocean.



It is also famous for being home to many theaters, museums and art galleries, as well as an impressive array of natural parks and wonderful attractions.

Tourist cities in Russia
Tourism in Sochi
Located on the Black Sea, it is suitable for anyone who loves entertainment

And sports and sea rides, in which there are a number of parks, gardens, amusement parks and amusement parks, and celebrations and international competitions are held in them. If you like to attend an international sports competition, the clubs in them receive tourism in Russia every year, which takes a large percentage of sports.

Tourist cities in Russia
Tourism in Novosibirsk
This city contains many monuments and its own football stadium, which displays the international football matches. Tourism is frequent in Russia and there are a number of parks, such as the zoo, which collects a large number of rare animals.

Tourist cities in Russia
Tourism in Vladimir
Vladimir is one of the most beautiful tourist cities in Russia, and the ancient capital of Northeast Russia. Vladimir is one of the largest tourist centers in the European part of Russia. It is characterized by the abundance of Mongolian monuments, which attracts tourists to it.

Vladimir was founded at the beginning of the twelfth century, on the Klyazma River, and in 1169 Prince “Andrei Bojolyubsky” made it the capital instead of Kiev, the current capital of the state of Ukraine. It was then that Russia’s golden age began.

Tourist cities in Russia
Tourism in Veliky Novgorod
It means the great new city, and it is located at the confluence of the Volga and Okka rivers, and its area is greater than 410 square kilometers. It is 400 km from the capital, Moscow, and has historical and architectural landmarks, and you can take a boat trip on the Volkhov River to enjoy stunning views.

One of the cities in the northwest of Russia, it is the center of Novgorod Province, and it is considered one of the oldest and most famous Russian cities. In 2009, it celebrated the 1150th anniversary of its founding.

In the Middle Ages it was called “The Great Novgorod Master” and political history begins with defining the role and tasks of the prince since 1136. Until the victory of Yevan III, Prince of Moscow over the people of Novgorod in 1478, it was called the “Novgorod Republic”.

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Tourism in Saint Petersburg

Tourism in Saint Petersburg


The best tourist destinations and places in Saint Petersburg



Tourism in St. Petersburg Catherine Palace

The most important tourist attractions in Saint Petersburg


Tourism in St. Petersburg – the capital of Northern Russia and the city of the Tsars. Its aqueducts made it very similar to Venice. Saint Petersburg is famous for its white nights, which last about 25 days, during which even the brightest stars in the sky can be seen.

Saint Petersburg is also called Venice of the North, because 10% of the city’s land is occupied by water. And it has many very beautiful bridges. Where you can stroll along the charming canals that cross the city.

In Russia there are many cities, but none of them can compare with Saint Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). The thousands of tourists who visit this city, which was the capital of the Russian Empire, are without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Wherever you go in Europe, you will not find a city with special charm, and architectural elegance that mixes with the past and the present, as the city of “Saint Petersburg, one of the most important and oldest cities in Russia, it is the city that resembles the walls of museums, as the past and modernity of the present are mixed with it.


The best tourist places in Saint Petersburg
Tourism in Saint Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, and it is undoubtedly the cultural capital of the country, so this city is considered one of the most distinctive among other cities, as it is one of the best places that you can visit. Tourist in St. Petersburg:

White Nights in Saint Petersburg
One of the wonders of tourism in St. Petersburg is the famous “white nights” phenomenon, when in summer you can read anything at four in the morning without using lighting. The sun refuses to set, and the night does not last more than three hours between the evening prayer and dawn, and the sky remains lit as if we were in broad daylight.

As this tourist city experiences the phenomenon of “white nights”, from the end of May until mid-July, and it is expected that the dark period on the twenty-fifth of June is only 20 minutes.


Saint Petersburg uses its white nights to organize festivals and parties to attract tourists, and celebrations prevail in the city, and artificial meteors are released from the famous Neva River.

Tourism in Saint Petersburg
White Nights in St. Petersburg
State Hermitage Museum
Hermitage Museum, also known as the “Winter Palace” is one of the most important landmarks in the city. Founded in 1764 AD between the eighteenth and seventeenth centuries, it is an architectural piece of art with exquisite architecture and is one of the unparalleled Spanish masterpieces. Her museum is decorated with green and white capitals.
It is also decorated with a group of wonderful statues that are located on the roof and that the design indicates something that indicates the magnificence of the architecture that was on it in this era and the museum was considered to be one of the largest museums in the world as it contains three million masterpieces. Wonderful beauty and the museum is also one of the ancient museums known in the world.
The museum has several other branches located in Amsterdam, London, Las Vegas and Ferrara, and one of the most beautiful halls in the museum is the Treasury Gallery, which contains an impressive collection of gold and silver dating back to the second century BC and there are many Available for the museum and accompanied by guides, so if some questions arise in your mind, you will find someone who will answer them immediately.


Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Hermitage Museum
State Russian Museum
Traveling to Saint Petersburg will take you to one of the Russian treasures, which is the Russian Museum, it is one of the most important artistic attractions in Russia, you will feel overjoyed, starting from entering the museum square, until diving into its details.

Here you will find a large collection of artworks by Russia’s leading artists as well as its obscure artists. In the same context, the museum will make you delve deeper into Russian folk art, and it will also introduce you to the most important Russian orthodox icons. It is an integrated artistic and cultural tour that will attract you to tourism in Saint Petersburg.



Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Russian Museum
Mariinsky Theater
The theater is the seat of the world-famous “St. Petersburg Cultural Foundation”. It has benefited in recent years from the financial and creative turmoil at the “Bolshoi” theater in Moscow, becoming the undisputed prominent musical theater in modern Russia.

There is no doubt that Russia is one of the most famous countries in the world for the art of ballet, and it is considered one of the most famous landmarks of “St. Petersburg”, “Mariinsky” theater, or as it was called in the past, the Imperial Ballet Theater of Russia, which is close to the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, where you can watch ballet performances.

Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Mariinsky Theater
Peterhof Palace
Peterhof is located 29 kilometers west of Saint Petersburg and is the legacy of Emperor Peterhof



Unit of the most popular day trips, where the grand palace located there is characterized by extravagance, luxury and sophistication, and it is not only the palace that attracts visitors to the place.
But there are many other features, the fountains and successive channels that are located at the bottom of a hill behind the palace, which number more than 140 fountains and canals, and the place also has a wonderful series of green landscapes such as the beautiful forests that surround the place.
The luxury of the palace can be discovered during a guided tour, as it includes 30 rooms decorated in striking gold colors, marble, and some elements that were brought from Asia. Although it is possible to take a bus to get there, a tourist can also take a boat from St. Petersburg. The journey takes 45 minutes on the Neva River.
Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Petroff Palace
Catherine Palace
Also from the famous palaces, which are considered one of the most important tourist attractions to the city of “St. Petersburg”, “Catherine” Palace, located south of the city, which was built during the reigns of Empress Elizabeth and Empress Catherine II.
This palace was the center of residence for the summer holidays of the Russian Tsars, and today it is a museum open to tourists.


Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Catherine Palace
Peter and Paul Fortress
Peter and Paul Fortress is one of the oldest structures in Saint Petersburg. Peter the Great was founded in 1703 on a beautiful island in the Neva River. There is a prison in the castle, and this prison was an inconvenient home for political prisoners during the year 1917 AD.
Among them are Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leon Trotsky and offer panoramic views of the city if you climb to the top of the tower and look from the top. You can also stroll along the upper part of the castle from the castle walls and enjoy panoramic views across the Neva River.
Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Peter and Paul Fortress
Yusupov Palace
Moika Palace was the residence of Prince Felix Yusoyov, who was one of the richest men in Russia at that time. The palace is more than wonderful and attracts many visitors from all over to see it and enjoy a beautiful view, as it dazzles everyone who sees it and there are many tours. Tourist in the city that provides guided trips to the palace several times a day.
Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Yusupov Palace
Palace Square
One of the most important tourist attractions in Saint Petersburg, and it is one of the most famous open squares in the city, Palace Square, which connects between the “Nevsky Prospekt” Palace and the main square of Saint Petersburg, and it is now one of the most important tourist attractions in the city.

Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Palace Square
Nevsky Avenue
Nevsky is one of the most famous roads in Russia, and it is also the heart of Saint Petersburg. The road extends 4 km from the Alexander Nevsky Monastery to the Admiralty near the beautiful Neva River. You can stroll on this wonderful street amid a group of wonderful sights that will take you into the past. .
And it is one of the most beautiful things that should not be missed when you are there. Do not miss a visit to the beautiful Fazan Cathedral, and along the road there is a more than wonderful shopping center which is one of the oldest shopping centers in the world so do not miss it.
The street is one of the vibrant places in the city, so you will enjoy seeing many locals as they are practicing their normal lives, and you can relax a little if you are tired of walking in one of the distinctive cafes on both sides of the road.
Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Nevsky Avenue
Summer Garden
I also noticed that there are many places for tourism in Saint Petersburg, but the place we will talk about now differs from the rest of the tourist places, it is the summer park; One of the most beautiful tourist places in Saint Petersburg, as it is a wonderful garden, with an elaborate and symmetrical design that expresses the creativity of the designer.
The park is located in a special place in the city, and receives thousands of visits daily, but despite the large number of visitors; However, you will be able to get a rest and relax in it.
The park includes vast green spaces, in addition to a group of unique marble statues, as well as a group of dazzling fountains, so we guarantee that you will have a unique tour inside the summer garden.

Tourism in Saint Petersburg
Summer garden
Vasilyevsky Island
On this small island directly on the river, it can be reached from the city center and the Winter Palace, and it is connected to the mainland by two bridges and a metro line. There are many tourist attractions in “Vasilievsky”, including attractive gardens, the Museum of Electric Transportation, the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, the Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange building, and the Baroque Menshikov Palace, which is a branch of the Heritage Museum and mainly displays collections of Russian art in the seventeenth century. .

The Russian Academy of Sciences has a branch on the island as well, and in this context, visitors may particularly appreciate visiting the Institute of Russian Literature, which houses original manuscripts of some of the most famous Russian writers, including the poet Alexander Pushkin.

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Tourism in Trabzon

Tourism in Trabzon

The best tourist destinations and places in Trabzon



Tourism in Trabzon

The most important tourist attractions in Trabzon

Trabzon is a city on the Black Sea coast on one side and a series of mountain heights on the other. It dates back to the eighth century BC, and includes a large and ancient port that had the greatest impact on the commercial boom that the region witnessed throughout its history.

And it is located on the famous historical Silk Road in Turkey, until it became a melting pot dating back several centuries in the southeast of the country and the Caucasus region to the northeast, in which many different languages ​​and cultures dissolve in it.

A tourism trip in Trabzon is very interesting and enjoyable, as it is a historical coastal city with interesting contrasts. Trabzon is also a good base for visiting the surrounding sites such as Ayder Village, Uzungol and Haydar Nabi Plateau


The best tourist places in Trabzon

Trabzon is a wonderful city, distinct from the rest of Turkey, and it attracts visitors from different parts of the world due to its beautiful climate and charming nature. It is one of the places that a very large number of tourists visit annually, and their number is estimated in the hundreds of thousands, due to the large number of natural and historical places in it.




In our guide, we offer you information about the best tourist places in Trabzon

Soumela Monastery
It is an eastern Orthodox monastery located in the Pontus Mountains in northeastern Turkey on the Black Sea coast. Sumela Monastery, also called the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, was established on the steep slopes of Machka, near Trabzon in the fourth century, and the structure was improved in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and decorated with many pictures of biblical scenes. The monastery complex consists of the Church of the Rock, chapels and student rooms As well as a library, the Holy Spring, a kitchen and a guest house.

There are many chapels, kitchens, study rooms, a rock chapel, a visitor’s shelter, a library, and a Greek Orthodox sacred eye. The monastery also has a canal that provides water for irrigation, which is distinguished by its newly reconfigured arches. The entrance to the monastery has many guard posts.




Tourism in Trabzon
Sumela Monastery
Tourism in Trabzon 1
Trabzon castle
Trabzon Castle is a historical Ottoman castle and one of the most important factors of tourist attraction in Trabzon, and it has received great attention from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, which specializes trips to learn about the history of the castle.

The history of Trabzon Castle dates back to the Byzantine Empire, and the castle extends from a hill overlooking the city to the shore of the Black Sea, and it consists of three parts: the upper castle, the middle castle and the lower castle, the castle contains several cafes overlooking the coast and dense green trees. In general, there is a great abundance of tourist attractions and attractions that attract tourists to it from all over the world, as it is distinguished by its ancient history, distinctive Ottoman-Islamic architecture, and its picturesque nature.

Tourism in Trabzon
Trabzon Castle
Uzungöl village
Uzungol, which means long lake, is a Turkish village located in the southeast of the city of Trabzon, in northern Turkey. In the past years, the picturesque lake and the valley that surrounds it have become great tourist attractions, and the lake is located 100 km from the center of Trabzon and 19 km from the city center of Chikara,



The lake was formed from a landslide around the riverbed to a natural dam in the valley of the Haldizen River. The lake is located on the slopes of the “Sujanli” Mountains, covered with dense green trees. It rises about one thousand and a hundred meters above sea level, and has a circumference of 7 kilometers. It is famous for its striking natural beauty.

And it is a great place for wandering in the charming nature, and camping, especially between the months of May and July, when the weather is mild and sunny. Uzungöl or Uzungöl has been famous in recent years for its tourist attraction, where restaurants, hotels and gift shops are available. The village is also famous for its pine lake surrounded by mountains and green meadows, which is considered a tourist attraction par excellence. Fishing is widespread, especially river salmon.

Tourism in Trabzon
Uzungol village
Aqua Park Trabzon Dilektaşı Aquapark
It is one of the most beautiful tourist and entertainment places in Trabzon, and it is suitable for all ages, adults and children, and it contains a number of water games, the most important of which are slides of different sizes, including closed and open, in addition to the existing swimming pools.

From 09:00 in the morning until 08:00 in the evening.



Tourism in Trabzon
Aqua Park Trabzon
Luna Park
One of the distinctive Trabzon amusement parks is the Luna Park, as it includes a large number of various games, and it is also suitable for all ages, and includes a large number of diverse games such as swings (swings), colliding carriages (hammers) and small trains … etc. They are suitable for children. As for adults, scissors and speed trains are available, operating only in the summer and from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm.

Tourism in Trabzon
Luna Park
Magic World Trabzon
Magic World is one of the most beautiful amusement parks in Trabzon, as it includes a large number of children’s favorite games for them, the most important of which are bumper cars, swings and video games, and it also includes a children’s theater.Magic World is located inside the mall, as for working hours: from 10:00 in the morning until 10:00 pm.



Tourism in Trabzon
Magic World Trabzon
Overlooking Trabzon Boztepe
Boztepe hill in the Turkish city of Trabzon, 3 km above the city center, in a location easy for tourists to reach to see a beautiful view of the sea and the city.

Tourists can see the city’s sights by day, and in the evening they enjoy the city’s sights with its lights, and spend beautiful times in the gardens that contain it. On the high hill there are several closed and open cafes famous for serving samovar tea that is prepared using charcoal, and visitors drink it enjoying the city’s view, overlooking the The city of Trabzon and the Black Sea has a beautiful view and is worth a visit

Tourism in Trabzon
Overlooking Boztepe Trabzon
Ataturk Palace, Trabzon
One of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Trabzon, Turkey, the palace was built in 1890 and was restored until it became in its present wonderful form, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoor garden of Ataturk Palace, which includes the most beautiful types of flowers, where you can take the most beautiful souvenir photos there.



You can also enter the Ataturk Palace and enjoy seeing many artifacts dating back to before the nineteenth century, including clothes, furniture, paintings and many more, and the palace is surrounded by many luxurious restaurants that offer the most delicious meals.

Tourism in Trabzon
Ataturk Palace in Trabzon
Trabzon Meydan Parkı
It is located in the city center of Trabzon and is known as Ataturk Square, and it is considered the main city center, as it includes restaurants, cafes and hospitals, in addition to many government centers such as the municipality center, government centers, the center of wishes and the police, in addition to the Center for Real Estate Registration Affairs.

In the middle of Trabzon Square is a huge statue of the founder of the modern state of Turkey, Ataturk, from which branches Uzun Sokak which includes many shops, Turkish and international brands, it is a stylish shopping street, completely paved, and Trabzon Square looks like a beautiful park, which receives the steps of tourists to rest, The identification of the city’s destinations is the ever-flowing pulse, with noisy alleys and terraces.



Tourism in Trabzon
Trabzon Square
The Corniche of Trabzon
The Corniche of Trabzon is located in the Bashirli area, it is a beautiful corniche and there are sessions on the road, and a wonderful walkway with the sounds of the sea waves and its colors.

There are also children’s games (bumper cars, swings, etc.) and ice cream shops. In (the marina) there are boats for renting marine tours for an hour or two, depending on choice, in a wonderful natural atmosphere.

Tourism in Trabzon
The Corniche of Trabzon
Akçaabat region
It is a Turkish coastal city overlooking the Black Sea coast, 25 km from Trabzon, and it has a pleasant temperate climate and tourist elements that make it one of the most important factors of tourism in Turkey and a privileged location for summer holidays, relaxation and recreation, where the picturesque beaches, pure sand and places for family picnics.

If you are looking for a place for a quiet summer vacation, you will not find the most beautiful or better than that charming city, and during the article we will discuss the most beautiful tourist places when visiting.

Tourism in Trabzon
Akcaabat area
Zagnos Valley Park
The Zagros Garden is famous for its modern architectural style and character, which was made by the most skilled engineers, making it a painting that mixes nature with modern industry. ,

Zagnos Park includes an artificial lake specially designed to incubate swans, giving tourists the opportunity to feed and see them up close, as well as 3 small circular lakes specially made to soften the atmosphere and increase the beauty of the park.

Tourism in Trabzon
Zagros Park
Bazaar Trabzon
It is one of the silver markets in Trabzon, and the gold markets in Trabzon as well, and it is located near Trabzon Square, and it contains many types of jewelry and silver and gold artifacts, in addition to various copper industries, and it is one of the beautiful markets in Trabzon,

At the end of it is the Kemer Market, which is in Trabzon, the bazaar can be reached from the center of Trabzon Square, where you can walk down the Konduracilar pedestrian street to the northwest, there also can be found workshops that make these artifacts, while walking in the bazaar you will hear the sounds of making copper, silver and others.

Tourism in Trabzon
Trabzon Bazaar
Kunduracılar Caddesi Street, Trabzon
Caddesi Street Trabzon is one of the most popular destinations for shopping in Trabzon and it is full of street vendors and it is also one of the excellent places where you will have an excellent shopping experience, you can negotiate the price and get a good deal.

On this street you can find handicrafts, leather goods and ceramics, and there are also a large number of cafes

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Tourism in Bursa

Tourism in Bursa

The best tourist destinations and places in Bursa




Tourism in Bursa, Mount Uludag

The most important tourist attractions in Bursa

The city of Bursa is a wonderful Turkish city called “Yeşil Bursa”, as it is located in the Marmara region between the cities of Ankara and Istanbul in northwestern Turkey. It is also Turkey’s fourth city in terms of population, which in 2010 had a population of approximately 1.2 million people. .

Note that it is the center of Bursa province and one of the most important industrial Turkish cities. As for its name as the Green Bursa, it is due to the vast and diverse forests scattered around the region and the abundance of parks and public gardens in it, noting that in the old period of Ottoman rule it was called the gift of God or (Khudawandkar), which was the second capital of the Ottomans after Sogut Bin The years 1326 – 1365 AD.

Bursa ranks as the fourth largest city in Turkey after Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, and it occupies a great cultural and tourism position among the Turks and tourists from outside it, which makes it one of the best places for tourists to come to enjoy various activities in it.

The best tourist places in Bursa
Tourism in Bursa is characterized by the presence of many prominent natural places in it, such as waterfalls, lakes, forests and high mountains, which have become a center of attraction for tourists from all over the world.



Because of the urban beauty of its neighborhoods, the aesthetic charm of its green nature and flowering forests, the cultural heritage of its historical monuments, and its melting pot of many historical civilizations in its melting pot, Bursa has become in recent years one of the most famous and distinctive Turkish tourism landmarks.

Uludag Mountain Bursa Uludağ
Uludag is one of the most famous symbols of tourism in the Turkish Stock Exchange. The mountain is a snow resort that attracts ski enthusiasts and amateurs to practice this sport, in addition to visitors who enjoy watching white peaks and snow, which may rise to 4 meters in winter.

The cable car is the best way to reach the summit of Uludag Mountain, and you can use a car that takes another route, passing the historical tree in Bursa.

Tourism in Bursa
Uludag mountain
Hot springs at the Bursa Termal Stock Exchange
Hot springs are considered one of the most important tourist places in Bursa, and they are located in the Chikrga region. These springs feed many hotels and baths that tourists from everywhere come to visit for recreation or hospitalization with their therapeutic benefits.



Tourism in Bursa
Hot springs
Bursa Teferrüç İstasyonu Cable Car
The cable car is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bursa, so you cannot visit the Turkish city of Bursa without experiencing the climb in the cable car for which it is famous.

The cable car journey extends over a distance of approximately 9 km, as cable cars ascend to the summit of Uludag Mountain through four stations and offer its passengers a magical view that overlooks the city of Bursa completely.

You can reach the cable car lift station from the city center by taking one of the following buses 15A, 3i or S-2, or by taxi.

Tourism in Bursa
Bursa cable car
Ulu Jameh – Bursa Great Mosque of Ulu Camii
Ulu Camii, or the Great Mosque in Bursa, is one of the landmarks of Bursa that dates back to the era of the Ottoman Empire, as it is considered the first large mosque built in that period between 1396 and 1400.




The mosque represents a wonderful Ottoman architectural masterpiece surrounded by many markets, perhaps the most important of which is the Covered Market, which is one of the historical markets in Bursa.

You can reach Ulu Camii on foot from the city center, a distance of 15 minutes, or by tram and internal buses, and get off at Ulu Camii station.

Tourism in Bursa
Bursa Grand Mosque
Historical tree in Tarihi Çınar Ağacı Bursa
Historical trees in Bursa are one of the most beautiful places of tourism in Bursa and the largest historical perennial trees in Turkey, where the beauty of nature and its historical charm is evident in its trunk and branches that have been cultivated for hundreds of years. Tourists.

The historical tree of Bursa can be reached from the center of the country by bus 1c or by taxi



Tourism in Bursa
Historical tree
Tophane Clock Tower
The construction of the clock tower in Bursa dates back to the period of the mandate of Sultan Abdul Aziz (1860-1876), where the tower was dedicated to extinguishing fires and was built from huge stones superimposed on top of each other to form a prominent edifice that shines bright at night in the most beautiful scenery overlooking the most beautiful tourist places in Market.

The tower can be reached easily by metro, get off at Shahry Küstü station (بعدهاehreküstü) and walk after 10 minutes, or by red tram at the station

Timurtaş Paşa, then climb up the electric stairs to reach it or by taxi.

Tourism in Bursa
clock tower
Jumali Kizik, Othmanic village
The Ottoman village is one of the most beautiful and oldest tourist places in Bursa, as it dates back to the ancient Ottoman period, that is, nearly 700 years. It is distinguished by its preservation of its ancient history, the integrity of its ancient archaeological buildings, the purity of its air and its distinct traditional rural atmosphere.

It can be reached from the city center by metro, get off at CUMALIKIZIK station named after the village, and then take the D-10 bus to reach the heart of the village.



Tourism in Bursa
Jumali Kizik
Delight factory in Bursa lokum fabrikasi
The lokum factories are considered one of the most important and famous tourist places in Bursa, and they are distributed within the city in different places, some of which are specialized in manufacturing them only, and some of them sell various items to visitors in addition to providing hospitality to tourists to taste all kinds before buying them.

Tourism in Bursa
Delight factory
The village of Messe Stock Exchange Misi Köyü
The village of Messi Bursa, with its breathtaking nature surrounded by four hills covered with forests and ancient buildings, is one of the most beautiful tourist places in Bursa, as it was established nearly 2000 years ago in the Nilufer area, which includes many restaurants and parks, and is only 12 kilometers away from the city center of Bursa.

The village of Messi can be reached from the city center by metro, get off at the Acemler station, and then take the buses heading from the station to the village, or by taking a taxi or private car and heading to the Nilufer area.

Tourism in Bursa
Messi Village
Green Mosque in Bursa
The Green Mosque in Bursa is considered one of the most important and beautiful landmarks of history and tourism in Bursa because of the great historical role it represents, as it is a symbol of unity and strength in the Ottoman era in addition to the ancient art that reflects it and it is distinguished from the rest of Bursa’s mosques by its wonderful decorative art. It has its windows to all its gates and is generally an art that you have not seen anywhere else.



The Green Mosque is located in the Yıldırım area in Bursa and can be reached from the city center by buses 36A or 3i and get off at Yeşil station or by metro, and the closest station to the mosque is (Gökdere).

Tourism in Bursa
The Green Mosque
Honey apiaries at Bal Kovanlari Bursa
Honey apiaries in Bursa are one of the most beautiful places of tourism in Bursa and are located in most of the mountainous and forest areas, which include around them charming natural attractions, and during this visit you will get acquainted with many different honey farms and the nature adopted in that.

Where you will get acquainted with all the famous types of honey in Turkey, which is extracted from different places such as pine honey, rose honey, chestnut, the most famous of which is mountain flower honey.



Tourism in Bursa
Honey apiaries in Bursa
The village of Juliazi in the Golyazi Stock Exchange
The village of Juliazi in Bursa is the historical face of the city, which was classified as the most beautiful and oldest village in Bursa, and has even turned into a tourist attraction with distinction due to the pleasure it provides to its visitors. It is located on a peninsula in Lake Alopat.

It is distinguished by its simple and colorful structures, stone-paved floors, Roman Catholic churches and mosques that were built from the Ottoman era, in addition to many Roman ruins scattered on the island.

The village is located 40 km from the city of Bursa in southwestern Turkey and can be reached by car

Tourism in Bursa
Juliazzi Village
Mudanya Stock Exchange
Mudanya Bursa is one of the oldest and most beautiful tourist areas in Bursa, as it attracts many tourists annually, whether to visit it or to reside in it, due to its distinctive character and its buildings dating back to previous ancient times.



Its idyllic landmarks such as the beautiful and gorgeous coasts of Mudanya Bursa, which has clean and sparkling pure water, make it the ideal place for practicing various water sports such as diving, water skiing and even playing with parachute.

Mudanya Bursa is located in the center of western Turkey and can be reached from the city center of Bursa by metro, get off at (EMEK) station, and then take a bus to reach Mudanya Beach.

Tourism in Bursa
Mudanya Bursa
The village of Trilia Mudanya, Tirilye
The village of Trilia Mudanya is one of the most famous villages in Bursa, as it attracts thousands of tourists annually due to its very attractive landmarks that made it enjoy the attention of the municipality and the governorate, as it was established in the seventh century BC, and through the nature that the village of Trillia sits on it made it known as the paradise of the coast of Mudanya and the most beautiful Tourist places in Bursa.

Trilia village is located on the coast of the Marmara Sea in the city of Mudanya in Bursa in central-western Turkey.

Tourism in Bursa
Tralia village
Botanic Park at Bursa Botanical Park
The Botanical Garden, Bursa Park, was established in 1998 to be one of the largest gardens in Bursa, with an estimated area of ​​about 400,000 square meters covered with green spaces, as it embraces nearly 8,000 trees of more than 150 different species. About 6000 flowers of 25 species have been cultivated. Various of roses plus hundreds of shrubs.

The park can be easily accessed from Kent Square, the city center square, by bus 17D, or from the Alt Barmak area, via buses 15 or 15H, or by minibuses from the city center (dolmus).



Tourism in Bursa
Botanic Garden
There are also many other parks and gardens in Bursa that attract tourists and provide them with an enjoyable and comfortable time in the embrace of nature.

Read more: The best parks in the Turkish Stock Exchange
Lake Iznik Bursa İznik Lake
Lake Oznak provides its visitors with many fun water activities, which are the main entertainment in this region, as you can go out for a walk in the middle of the boat or to practice the hobby of fishing calmly, or you can practice surfing and water skiing for more excitement.


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Tourism in Philadelphia

Philadelphia is one of the largest cities in America, the State of Pennsylvania, is considered an important economic center, as it contains many of the famous skyscrapers in the United States. Philadelphia is home to many tourist attractions and receives about 40 million visitors annually.

The most important tourist places in Philadelphia
We will review the most important and famous tourist attractions in Philadelphia, namely:

Independence Hall
One of the most famous tourist places in Philadelphia is located in Independence National Park. This hall became famous after the declaration of American independence and the approval of the Constitution of the United States of America. This building opened in 1753 and is now listed as a World Heritage Site.

Franklin Square Park
Franklin Square is a popular area in Philadelphia that attracts many tourists and visitors from the surrounding areas, and is one of five open squares in the city center.

The park is considered one of the tourist places in Philadelphia for its location in the city center and its history that dates back to 1682

Freedom bell
This bell is a symbol of the American Revolution, as it was used in 1776 to invite residents of Philadelphia to listen to the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. Freedom Bell is now one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Zoo
One of the tourist attractions in Philadelphia, it is the first zoo in the United States of America, and it is one of the most famous zoos pioneering in raising animals and providing a suitable environment for them. The park includes more than 1,300 animals, some of which are rare and endangered. The park includes a children’s zoo and many interactive and educational exhibits

Adventure Aquarium
Adventure Aquarium Philadelphia Adventure Aquarium is one of the attractions in Philadelphia, which first opened in 1992 and reopened in 2005.

The aquarium includes about 8 thousand aquatic animals, some of them from species that live in the oceans and seas, and some live in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, are considered one of the most popular tourist attractions in Philadelphia

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