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Tourism in Sweden and the top 10 recommended tourist cities to visit

Tourism in Sweden and the top 10 recommended tourist cities to visit

Tourism in Sweden and the top 10 recommended tourist cities to visit

Tourism in Sweden is characterized by outstanding natural beauty, it is very interesting to get here on a tour of the beautiful coast or green forests. Added to the natural charm is the rich historical legacy of many delightful winding alleys, castles and ancient churches. While the trip also includes a tour of the delightful museums spread between bold modern architecture and magnificent classical buildings.


Tourist activities in Sweden are not limited to the above, but one of the most beautiful of them is to take a walk in cafes and restaurants that offer the most delicious items. With
Great nightlife options. In short, a tourism trip in Sweden seamlessly blends the authenticity of history, nature and modernity together, making it one of the ideal destinations to enjoy your time.

Discover tourism in Sweden
Here is this article that will help you know the top 10 tourist cities in Sweden. As well as a set of the most important tips, instructions and information, which you must know before traveling to have a successful and enjoyable tourist holiday…



Sweden map
The Kingdom of Sweden is located in the northern part of the European continent, making it one of the countries located in the Scandinavian Peninsula. While a section of the country extends to the north of the Arctic Circle.

Sweden has many maritime borders in it overlooking the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia to the south and east. While it is bordered by Kattegat and Skagerrak straits to the west and south. The land border between Sweden and neighboring countries is also wide, as it includes the border with Finland to the east. Norway to the northwest and Denmark to the southwest through a tunnel through the Øresund Strait.


The best time to travel to Sweden
Tourism in Sweden enjoys indescribable pleasure due to the many natural sea views that the Scandinavian cities enjoy. But it is necessary for tourists to know the ideal time to visit the lands of the northern peninsula, depending on the climatic conditions, so as not to disturb their trip. In this regard, Sweden has a cold and harsh winter with snow, especially in its northern parts close to the Antarctic. While summer days are longer and milder in climate. It is new to note that:



Summer (from July to August): The peak season for tourism programs influx of Sweden to enjoy the warm and sunny beaches and to go on excursions in the open air. As well as enjoying fun astronomical phenomena such as the continuation of the sun until the late hours of the night.

Spring (April to May): Spring is a great time to visit Sweden because of the lower travel costs compared to summer days, while maintaining warm weather and 13 hours of daylight. As well as enjoying the spring flowers and green landscapes.

Autumn (September to October): Autumn is another time to have a fun trip to Sweden at a lower cost. As for the weather, autumn is often rainy in Sweden. While in the northern regions of the country, snow seasons also begin, specifically in mid-October.

Winter season (November to March): Winter in Sweden is an ideal opportunity for lovers of winter sports, especially skiing. The snowy weather is pleasant and the country has 200 ski resorts. But you should prepare yourself for the long nights too.



The language in Sweden
Swedish is the official language in the Kingdom of Sweden. However, many other languages ​​are spread in the streets of Sweden, including English, French, Arabic and Polish as well.

Sweden Tourist Visa
Before heading to travel and tourism in Sweden, there are some conditions necessary to obtain a visa, which are:

Request a site from the tourist to obtain a Swedish visa.
A passport valid for at least 3 months.
Two recent photographs, with a white background.
Health insurance covering the period of tourism in Sweden, at least 30 thousand euros.
Reservation of round trip airline tickets.
Provide a bank account that proves the ability to spend while traveling to Sweden of at least 48 euros per day.
hotel reservation.
Pay the visa fee of 80 euros.
The ideal period for tourism in Sweden
Sweden’s tourism program has many entertaining activities, whether it’s summer or winter. Sweden has plenty of fun at every moment, from water sports on sunny beaches to trips to ancient castles and churches. Given the large number of tourist attractions in the country, the question arises: What is the ideal period for an integrated tourist trip in Sweden?



Perhaps the answer to the previous question differs from one person to another according to the time available to him and his economic budget. However, it is better not to leave Sweden in less than two weeks initially, with the possibility of extending the trip to a month as well.

How much does tourism cost in Sweden?
It is necessary for tourists to know the amount of material costs to be expected in order to properly plan their tourist trip. Although


The cost of tourism in Sweden varies from one person to another, depending on the choice of hotels and the different daily expenses of food, drink and picnics.

However, preliminary estimates indicate spending at least 11,211 Swedish crowns, or about 137 US dollars, per day. If you plan to spend a two-week tourist trip with a partner, it is expected that the cost will be equivalent to 16950 Swedish crowns, or about 1924 US dollars.



Transportation and transportation in Sweden
Means of transportation in Sweden
Means of transportation in Sweden
There are many ways to move around in Sweden, including:

Trains and the subway: It is one of the most common means of transportation in Sweden. The railways serve all Swedish cities and transport between them as well.

Buses: They are also public transport in Sweden. Buses operate in Swedish cities at specific times and with certain stops as well.

Taking a taxi: It is also possible to move around in Sweden with ease when taking private taxis, but with additional costs.



Food and drinks in Sweden

food in sweden
The traditional dishes in Sweden add an additional distinctive touch to the beauty of tourism trips in the Scandinavian kingdom. The restaurants in the country are famous for serving delicious seafood, especially fish of various kinds, as well as Köttbullar meatballs and Surströmming fish dishes.

Sweden is also famous for its Raggmunk pie made of fried potatoes. While the country is famous for its cinnamon buns, which are served with hot tea. In short, visitors to Sweden will have a unique and unforgettable dining experience.



Sweden’s official currency

The Swedish Krona is the official currency of the Kingdom of Sweden. It may be useful to know that 1 SEK equals 0.12 USD.

Communications and the Internet in Sweden
During your tourist holiday in Sweden, you can communicate with your friends and relatives with ease and ease. This is because Sweden has a distinguished group of telecommunications companies, the most important of which are:

Telia: Sweden’s highest-earning telecommunications company with high-speed Internet and connection services.
Telenor: It is the second telecom company in Sweden with good internet coverage.
Tele2: Tele2 is a leading telecommunications company in the Kingdom of Sweden, providing its users with mobile phone and internet services.
This diversity allows you to choose what suits you to communicate with your family and friends.



The distance between the most popular cities in Sweden
From Stockholm to Gothenburg 471 km.
The distance between Helsingborg and Malmö is 65 km.
From Uppsala to Visby 280 km.
The distance between Lund and Umea is 1233 km.
From Stockholm to Lund 604 km.
Rent a car in Sweden
Renting a car during a tourism trip in Sweden is one of the best options that a tourist may have for a comfortable vacation. All that is required is to choose the right car from one of the rental agencies with ease on their websites and then conclude the rental contract.

This is done by presenting the international driver’s license along with the passport and insurance certificate as well. In any case, it is necessary to follow the legal rules regarding driving to avoid any infractions. As for the cost, it is estimated on average about 500 US dollars.

The best tourist cities in Sweden
Sweden is famous for its charming natural beauty and historical authenticity, and this is what its cities clearly reflect. But what are the best Swedish cities worth visiting? Here are 10 great options.


Tourism in Stockholm
Stockholm, the Swedish capital and floating city on the water, is one of the most beautiful tourism options in Sweden. It is easy to see why, as the city is a wonderful blend of both modern and traditional architecture. In Stockholm, tourists are happy to take a trip through the old town, the beautiful cathedrals, the grandiose palace, as well as the winding cobbled streets surrounded by water from every direction.

While the modern design of the city contributes to its attractiveness. It reflects its natural beauty everywhere the eye looks. Whether it’s in cafes, bars and restaurants or in Stockholm’s own buildings, museums and homes are great too. While the nightlife atmosphere and menus rich in delicious fish and seafood add to the tourist attraction of Stockholm.



Read more: Best places to stay in Stockholm

Tourism in Gothenburg
The coastal city of Gothenburg is a nice relaxing city to visit. In Gothenburg, the sea completely dominates the tourist scene, and there is nothing more beautiful than walking along the city’s waterfront.
It is where many amazing 17th century aqueducts intersect. As well as watching the ships next to the port and visiting museums related to sailors as well.

Gothenburg has beautiful architecture and a fresh and vibrant atmosphere with lots of different events and festivals taking place throughout the year. While the youthful atmosphere of the city increases with plenty of bustling bars and cafes, luxurious shopping options as well as delicious food filled with fish.


Tourism in Malmö
Malmö is one of Sweden’s most multicultural cities. More than 150 different nationalities live in the city, which gives Malmö a special character with an optimistic outlook and always welcoming visitors. Malmö’s cultural diversity is due to its border location with Copenhagen in Germany across the Baltic Sea.

This is clearly reflected in the wonderful markets as well as the surprisingly diverse range of cuisines as well. The interesting architecture, the old city castle, its beautiful squares and the modern waterfront give tourists additional opportunities of fun.



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