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Month: July 2024

Discover tourism in Tajikistan

Discover tourism in Tajikistan

Tajikistan is one of the tourist destinations whose people are friendly and welcoming to visitors from different parts of the country. Here in this article is your comprehensive guide about travel and tourism in Tajikistan, getting to know the most important tourist cities in it, and the most important information and advice needed before traveling…



Best places to stay in Tajikistan

Tajikistan has an abundance of luxury hotels and resorts, which make your stay comfortable and more luxurious. This is where it provides its guests with all amenities such as high-end health spas, heated swimming pools, 24-hour reception and many other services… Read more about the best hotels in Tajikistan.



Where is Tajikistan located?
Where is Tajikistan located?

The Republic of Tajikistan is located in the middle of Central Asia. It is bordered on the north by Kyrgyzstan, on the south by Afghanistan, on the east by China, and on the west and northwest by Uzbekistan.

The best time to travel to Tajikistan
The best time to travel to Tajikistan is from late April until mid-November, in order to enjoy many recreational and tourist activities, especially in the Pamir highlands. It is worth noting that:

Winter in Tajikistan from “December to February”
Winter is the low tourist season, but for cool weather lovers, it’s the perfect time to visit. To see white mountain views, play fun winter games such as snow throwing, skiing and snowboarding, cycling on snowboard and indoor snow tubing, and enjoy watching Marco Polo animals and Argali sheep.

Spring in Tajikistan from March to May
It is a good season for tourism in Tajikistan, and it is one of the best times to enjoy exciting recreational activities during moderate temperatures. It also allows you to attend many wonderful celebrations, such as the week-long Persian New Year. As well as enjoying hiking amid the heights and mountains, and the experience of paragliding.

Summer in Tajikistan from the month “June to September”
Summer is the peak season for tourism in Tajikistan. It is the most wonderful time to travel, adventurous climbing mountains and rocks, hiking, rafting and cycling. As well as attending the Roof Festival of the World Cultural Festival in Khorog Park, and the boat races in Lake Karakol.



Autumn in Tajikistan from October to November
Autumn is characterized by its cold climate and the beginning of snowfall in the mountains. It is a good time to go to the hot springs, especially in the resorts of Pamir and Obikarem. In addition to enjoying watching the romantic scenes and the golden autumn color in the mountains, especially the meadows near the lakes, wild trips and visiting museums.

The language in Tajikistan
The Tajik language is the official language used in the Republic of Tajikistan. Russian is also a widely used language in Tajikistan, with many other minority languages ​​such as:

(Uzbek language, Turkish language, ethnic Kyrgyz language, Persian language, Arabic language, Pashto language).

In addition to many immigrant languages ​​such as:

(Armenian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Turkish, Western Balochi, Korean, Kazakh and others).



Tourist visa in TajikistanTourist visa in Tajikistan

Traveling to Tajikistan requires obtaining a tourist visa in Tajikistan. The following are the most important documents and papers needed to obtain a tourist visa in Tajikistan:

Apply for a Tajikistan tourist visa online, fill it out, sign and print it.
Pay the visa fee of about 105 US dollars.
A recent personal photo with a white background.
A copy of a passport valid for at least six months from the date of the trip.
The validity period of a Tajikistan visa is two months, and the duration of stay is thirty days.
The ideal period of tourism in Tajikistan
The ideal period of tourism in Tajikistan is about three weeks, which is enough time to explore the country and do all the activities of the interesting tourist activities. From here, here is a tourist program in Tajikistan that can be applied or modified:

Day one and two: In Khujand
It is one of the oldest and most authentic cities in Central Asia, where you can explore the many Soviet buildings, the largest Lenin statue in Central Asia, and amusement parks. As well as going to the largest market in Tajikistan, which is the colorful Bangshanbe Bazaar.

Day 3 and 4: In Panjkent
Where you can visit the city’s famous mosques and shrines, and see many stunning landscapes.

Day Five to Seven: Take an expedition
Where to enjoy the seven colorful lakes, and visit the mountains of Tajikistan full of exhilarating adventures. And practicing many sports, such as climbing.



Day 8-10: Visit Iskandar Kul Lake and Sari Taj
Where the lake is famous for being the most beautiful lake in the former Soviet Union, stroll and see the villages along the lake shore. And take the best pictures

Day eleven to thirteen: Visit Dushanbe
It is a great place to relax

Enjoy special Indian food, visit national parks, explore the largest library in Central Asia, the largest tea house in Tajikistan, and one of the tallest flagpoles in the world.

Day 14 to Day 20: Visit Pamir Expressway
Then drive to Pamir Highway, get to see the best charming landscapes, and then go shopping and buy souvenirs. Finally, arrange your bag to prepare for departure and departure from the country.

How much does tourism cost in Tajikistan?
Make sure you plan well your budget before traveling for tourism, and this requires you to know the average costs of tourism in Tajikistan:

The average price for a comfortable stay in Tajikistan for a week per person is about 457 USD.
The average cost of staying in a hostel in Tajikistan ranges between (14 to 40) US dollars in a 3-star hotel.
The price per night in a luxury hotel in Tajikistan for a single traveler is about 76 US dollars.
The average cost of using public transportation in Tajikistan per day per person is approximately 18 cents.
The cost of daily meals in Tajikistan per person is approximately 4 USD.
Transportation and transportation in Tajikistan
Transportation and transportation in Tajikistan

There are many means of transportation in Tajikistan, which you can take within the country, to explore and learn about its most important landmarks. The following are the most important types of public transportation that you can use during tourism in Tajikistan:

You can get around within Tajikistan by train, but the options are very limited.

Tajikistan has many domestic flights to reach the destination you want to explore, but they are expensive.

long distance buses
There are some very old and very cheap buses in Tajikistan, but we do not recommend using them, as it is an inconvenient and time-consuming way.

Taxis (shared)
It is the main and most widely used way to get anywhere by road in Tajikistan. It is worth noting that travel times are always longer than expected and cars often break down.

car rental
It is the best way to explore Tajikistan, especially the Pamir Highway, either on your own or with a private driver.

bike rental
A bike is a great way to get around during tourism in Tajikistan, as it allows you to see some of the most amazing landscapes on both sides of the road. You can also ride it in mountainous areas.

The official currency of Tajikistan
The official currency of Tajikistan

The Samani is the national currency used in Tajikistan, and it is derived from the name “Ismail Somoni” the founder of the first Tajik state.

The samani has become the national currency instead of the Tajik ruble, and it has the emblem and the national flag of Tajikistan. The Samani currency is symbolized by (TJS).

Communications and the Internet in Tajikistan
The communication system in Tajikistan suffers despite the provision of modern and advanced technology services 4G. There are many telecommunications companies in Tajikistan, the most important of which are:

TK Mobile.
Babylon Mobile.
T-Cell Telecommunications in Tajikistan.
Distance between the most popular cities in Tajikistan
Here are the distances between the most famous tourist cities in Tajikistan, so that you can plan well for your tourism program:



Khujand to Kargonteppa 282 km.
Dushanbe to Gorno-Badakhshan 375 km.
Khujand to Dushanbe 204 km.
Dushanbe to Kolob 113 km.
From Dushanbe to Panjkent, 146 km.
Dushanbe to Farkhor 130 km.
From Dushanbe to Khujand 204 km.
From Dushanbe to Dungara, 71 km.
Rent a car in Tajikistan
If your decision is to rent a car during your holiday in Tajikistan, freely explore the town at your own pace. Here are the most important rules and documents needed:

Obtaining a valid and valid local driving license, as well as an international driving license in Tajikistan.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is not permitted.
Seat belts must be worn at all times and for all passengers in the vehicle.
Do not drive in the dark, as driving at night is extremely dangerous.
Pay the import tax on the car, which is about $10.
Your car is only registered for 16 days, and you must extend if you need additional days. This can only be done at customs offices located at border crossings.
Take measures to protect your car from poor-quality fuel, which you will encounter on the Pamir Highway. You have to refuel at Gazprom stations, which are considered the most reliable.
Vehicle insurance card.
The speed limit is 60 km/h everywhere in Tajikistan.
Adhere to the speed limits while driving in Tajikistan, which are: urban roads 60 km / h, rural roads 90 km / h, highways and motorways 110 km / h.

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Tourism in Sochi, Russia

Tourism in Sochi, Russia

Or as it is called the “Pearl of the Black Sea”, one of the beautiful European tourist destinations. It has wide beaches on the Black Sea, the most crowded in Russia. As well as by the ski resorts amid the high mountains, and golf courses. As well as its wide popularity all over the world, especially after hosting the Winter Olympics in 2014.


This is in addition to its important historical monuments, museums, theaters, parks and amusement parks. All of the above made it one of the most beautiful tourist cities in Russia.

Tourism in Sochi, Russia

Through this guide, I explore travel and tourism in Sochi, Russia. To learn about its most prominent tourist attractions that we advise you to visit, as well as nominations for the best Sochi hotels for a comfortable stay during your vacation…

The best hotels in Sochi, Russia

The Russian city of Sochi has a large number of high-end hotels, which give you a feeling of relaxation and comfort, as well as charming views of the Black Sea or the city’s important tourist attractions. Sochi hotels are also distinguished by their excellent services and varying prices, making them suitable for different budgets… Read more about the best hotels in Sochi, Russia.


The best time to travel to Sochi, Russia
The best time for travel and tourism in Sochi, Russia, is in the period between “August to November”, that is, in the dry months. This is where the climate is warm, with temperatures ranging between (22-30) degrees Celsius. This allows you to move more freely, to go to beaches and parks.

You can also travel during the winter months from “April to July”, which is a very suitable period for winter lovers. During this period, you can enjoy skiing in high-end resorts, playing snowballs, riding sledges and many other winter activities.



Where is Sochi located?

Sochi is located in the south of Russia, in the Russian Krasnodar region. It extends over a distance of 150 km on the Black Sea coast. Sochi is about 1,365 km away from the Russian capital, Moscow.



Closest airport to Sochi, Russia

Sochi International Airport is the closest airport to the city of Sochi in Russia. It is located in Adler which is part of the metropolitan city of Sochi. The city is about 30 km from the airport. Sochi International Airport is one of the ten largest Russian airports, with a passenger traffic rate of about 5.2 million passengers annually.

The language in Sochi
The dominant official language in Sochi Russia is Russian, as well as Armenian and Georgian widely spoken in Sochi.

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The vibrant heart of Maastricht

The vibrant heart of Maastricht

Frithof Holland

Frithof is the vibrant heart of the city, and it is one of the most important tourist attractions in Maastricht, the Netherlands. There are a variety of delightful major cultural events and festivals held annually, the most important being the Prince’s Carnival in February with lots of brightly colored costumes.



In this square, you can discover many historical buildings, as well as traditional singing and dancing performances, and enjoy this special atmosphere during your vacation.

Efteling Theme Park
Efteling Netherlands

Efteling Theme Park is the largest theme park in the Netherlands, offering a fantasy world full of fascinating stories and exciting adventures. It is one of the most important places that we advise you to visit during your vacation in Maastricht. It is an hour’s drive from the city.

It is also considered one of the oldest amusement parks in the world, as it was built in 1952 AD. It is surrounded by a lot of green spaces, and filled with a lot of fun games that are suitable for all ages. Among the highlights are the wooden rides (George and the Dragon), as well as the fairy tale tree, which tells ancient fairy tales to children, and the magical cities and roller coasters, and many other fun games.


Maastricht Caves

Maastricht is famous for housing a group of interesting underground caves, which make you feel the glory of the whole history of these strange and unique passages. Perhaps the most important feature is the subway, which allows you to see beautiful views of charcoal on the sandy walls, dating back nearly two hundred years.



The temperature in the caves is the same in summer and winter (11 °C). You can walk and wander for a distance of 60 meters inside, and enjoy wonderful stories, and discover national artworks in these caves carved in the rock, between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries.

Fun Valley Maastricht
Maastricht art village

Fun Valley Maastricht is a fun and entertaining place to spend a full day of leisure with friends or family. You can do a lot of activities here like barbecue, relax and play. It also has an indoor playground to practice a lot of activities such as walking, jogging and practicing different outdoor sports.



Bonnefantin Museum
Bonnefanten Museum, Holland

Located on the banks of the River Meuse in the center of Maastricht, the Bonnefanten Museum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Maastricht the Netherlands, with a beautiful, geometric design in the shape of a silver spaceship.

The museum allows tourists to enjoy seeing a lot of creative artwork, with medieval sculptures and ancient Italian, Flemish and Dutch paintings. Next to it are contemporary pieces and art installations, as well as woodcarvings from the 13th to 16th centuries.

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Tourism in India is the land of palaces and 7 of the finest Indian tourist cities

Tourism in India is the land of palaces and 7 of the finest Indian tourist cities

Tourism in India is full of impressive contrasts, as it is a meeting point of the ancient and modern, traditional worlds. It is also rich in different cultures, heritage and religions, in addition to its charming landscapes, which attract millions of tourists from all over the world. Here in this article is a comprehensive report on travel and tourism in India, the most important information and tips and the best tourist cities in India that we advise you to visit…


India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of area, and the second largest in terms of population. It offers you a great opportunity to experience and explore the many holy places, pilgrimage sites, ancient ruins, and religious structures.

Tourism in India

Discover tourism in India
India is full of stunning landscapes like misty hills, stunning beaches, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and golden deserts. It also allows you to attend traditional Indian festivals, visit lively markets, explore Indian lifestyle and experience traditional Indian hospitality. Below, explore tourism in India, and learn about the most important 7 tourist cities in India.

Best places to stay in India

India has a distinguished group of hotels, resorts and various accommodations, to suit different budgets. Including hotels with charming views, including accommodation located near important tourist sites… Read more about the best hotels in India.





Where is India located?
Where is India located?

India is located in the southern part of the continent of Asia. It is bordered on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the southeast by the Bay of Bengal. On the southwest side, it is bordered by the Arabian Sea, on the west by Pakistan, and on the east by Myanmar and Bangladesh. On the northeast, it is bordered by Bhutan, China, and Nepal.

India shares maritime borders with Indonesia and Thailand, and is close to the Maldives and Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean.

Best time to travel to India
The best time for tourism in India is during the cool and dry season, between (November and March). This is where the weather is cool, dry and sunny. The following is a breakdown of the seasons of the year in India:



Winter season (December to February):
It is the peak tourist season for the beach towns in India, where the coastal areas are blessed with dry weather and mild temperatures. It is the perfect time to attend many festivities, holidays and festivals like Christmas, New Year and club parties in Goa.

Spring (March to May):
Spring in India is one of the best times to visit, as it enjoys balmy temperatures, and a wonderful festive atmosphere full of fun and joy. You can visit the wildlife parks in central India, and attend the many festivals.

Summer season (June to August):
It is the perfect season to go to the Indian countryside and visit the hills. But avoid Indian coastal areas during the summer months. Prices drop in the summer.

Autumn semester (September to October):
Autumn is characterized by its pleasant weather, and the lack of precipitation. It is the perfect time to visit Delhi and the Golden Triangle, and explore the historical sites and famous landmarks of India. In addition to attending one of the biggest festivals in India which is the “Festival of Lights”.

The language in India
The official languages ​​of India are Hindi and English. There are also many other minority languages ​​such as Marathi, Bengali, and Telugu

Tourist visa in India
Tourist visa in India

Traveling to India requires a visa to travel to India. This requires a set of rules and necessary documents, the most important of which are:

A passport valid for at least 6 months from the end of your tourist trip in India.
Apply for India Tourist Visa Online Form, fill it carefully and clearly.
Pay the visa fee of 2060 EGP.
Two recent personal photos with a white background, size 4*4.
Round trip flight ticket reservation.
Proof of hotel or accommodation reservation in India for the duration of your trip.
Three-month bank statement, stamped by the bank.
A letter from the employer, signed by the employer, indicating the value of the salary.
Qualification certificate for graduates or registration document for students.
There are different types of visas for travel to India, including:
Single Entry Visa: It is valid for three months, but it allows you to enter India only once, and for only thirty days.
Entry Multiy Visa: It is expensive, but it is a multiple-entry visa to India, with a duration of six months.
The ideal period for tourism in India
The ideal period of tourism in India is about two weeks, and because India is a very large and diverse tourist destination, this period enables you to explore most of its prominent attractions. Here is a tourist program that you can follow or modify:

Day 1: Visit Delhi:
To visit its most prominent tourist attractions, such as Chandni Chowk, the Red Fort, the Jameh Mosque, the Lotus Temple, the Akshardham Temple, Humayun’s Tomb, and Qutub Minar.

The second and third day:

Agra visit:
To enjoy visiting the Taj Mahal at sunrise, and Agra Fort. They are two of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.

Day 4 and 5: Visit Ranthambore
This is where you can do the largest possible number of exciting safari trips with tigers, and explore the unique wildlife in the amazing reserves.

Day Six and Seven: Visit Jaipur
Enjoy visiting the City Palace, Jantar Mantar Observatory, Amer Fort, Water Palace, Hawa Mahal (wind palace) and Jalwar Bagh (monkey temple).



Day Eight and Nine: Visit Kochi
Here you can visit Chinese Fishing Nets, Pardesi Synagogue, St. Francis Church and Mattancherry Palace also known as Dutch Palace.

Day 10 and Eleven: Visit Munnar
And that’s where he explored tea plantations, Mattupetty Dam, Echo Point, Upper Station and other tourist attractions.

Day 12, 13 and 14: Visit Alleppey, Kumarakom, Cochin
And on those last days of the cruise, take a backwater cruise, shikara boat tour, relax at a resort in Kumarakom, and do a great Ayurvedic massage. And then get ready to leave India and go back home.

How much does tourism cost in India?
A good budget planning before traveling to India is one of the important things that must be done to have a successful holiday. Here are the average prices and costs of tourism in India:

The average cost of a flight to India (from all airports) ranges between “1025 and 1731” US dollars per person for economy flights.
The average cost of flights to India per person ranges from (3,219 to 5,435) US dollars for first class.
The per capita daily expenditure for transportation in India ranges between (24-49) US dollars.
The average price for a one-week trip in India is $1,294 for a single traveler.
The average prices for food, travel and sightseeing in India range from (12 to 24) US dollars per day per person.


Transportation and transportation in India
Transportation and transportation in India

There are many modes of transportation in India, which you can take within the country. Following are the most important means of transportation in India:

Air transport:
Air travel within India is one of the best means of transportation, as domestic air travel is booming in the country. There are many domestic flights, which serve all over the country, at affordable prices that also fit tight budgets.

You can travel within India by riding a bicycle, whether it is your own, rented or bought at cheap rates. It is a basket that provides you with exciting and interesting adventures to explore the prominent landmarks of India, and enjoy the charming views on both sides of the road.

India has a wonderful night cruise ship “Angria Cruise”, between Mumbai and Goa. It is run three times a week by both parties. There are also many shorter river ferry services, and various boat trips, which you can take within India with ease.

Buses or coaches are found almost everywhere in India, and they are the only way to get around the many mountainous regions of the country. It is also the cheapest way to get around in India, with fast and frequent services. You rarely need to book in advance.

Most of the tourist cities in India have taxis. They are usually metered, although drivers do not operate them. To avoid fare scams, use prepaid taxis if possible.



Car and Motorcycle:
Car rental in India is one of the means that few people go to, due to the driving conditions on Indian roads, and their high cost, especially with a driver. Nevertheless, it is an interesting way to move around the country.

Taxis such as Uber and Ola Cabs:
There are such cars in India, which you can order through mobile applications, and the fare will be calculated electronically. It is a cheap way, and it is considered the best means of transportation within India.

Auto rickshaw and e-rickshaw:
Similar to the tuk-tuk of Southeast Asia, the Indian auto rickshaw is a three-wheeled, motorized device with a tin or canvas roof and sides. They usually accommodate two passengers, and are also known as cars, scooters, and rickshaws.

Tempo and Vikram:
They are large-sized automatic rickshaws with room for more passengers, travel on fixed roads for a fixed fare, and are among the most dangerous modes of transport in India.

They are horse-drawn carriages, found in most cities of India, and are also an interesting means of transportation to explore the country.

Shared Jeeps:
In mountainous areas, shared jeeps supplement bus services, and charge a similar fixed fare. Jeeps only drive when they are full, and jeeps are known as “sumo”.

India’s railway network is one of the largest and busiest in the world. Traveling by train is the perfect Indian experience. Trains offer more space and a smoother journey than buses, and are especially recommended for long journeys, and there are many types of trains that you can choose from to suit you.



Food and drinks in India
Food and drinks in India

There are some dishes and drinks that we suggest you try while on vacation. Like tandoori and chicken tikka: bright red or orange dishes. It is one of the most beautiful Indian dishes, tandoori chicken is cooked with bone and seasoned with special spices, the most famous of which is gram masala. Paneer Curry: Paneer is used to make a variety of delicious curries


South Indian food is considered unique, due to the use of coconut as the base for almost every dish. Its spices are slightly different from North Indian cuisine. For example, cumin is more popular in North India, while tamarind and mustard seeds are preferred in the South.

As for the most famous Indian drinks: Lassi is the popular drink, and it is based on yogurt in India. It can be salty or sweet. On top of Indian tea, as India is one of the largest exporters of tea in the world. Indian tea is served with milk. And Masala tea: a milk tea flavored with a lot of special spices, do not miss to try it.

The official currency of India
The official currency of India

The rupee is the official and circulating currency in India. The Indian rupee is divided into 100 paisa. The rupee in Sanskrit means silver.

Communications and the Internet in India
India has many mobile phone carriers. Here are the most important and largest telecom companies in India that offer the best deals:

Datacom Unitech
Virgin Mobile (MVNO) “Virgin Mobile (MVNO)”
Indicom Reliance Mobile
North Goa
All these major companies are distributed in all the states of India, and they are distinguished by their reasonable prices as well as their many services, high quality and high speed internet. When you travel to India, don’t worry about connecting to the internet, or making international or local calls. There are many great companies, just choose what suits you.



The distance between the most famous cities in India
Here are the distances between the most popular tourist cities in India:

Delhi to Mumbai 1149 km.
From Delhi to Kolkata 1,305 km.
Delhi to Bangalore is 1.737 km.
Delhi to Kolkata 1,305 km.
Bangalore to Agra 1200 km.
Kolkata to Mumbai 1.656 km.
Jaipur to Mumbai 919 km.
Bangalore to Bhopal 1144 km 711 miles.
Delhi to Gangtok 1127 km 700 miles.
Jaipur to Jharkhand 1,023 km 636 miles.
Rent a car in India
Although renting a car in India is a wonderful experience, it is also an exciting adventure. Here are the most important guidelines and papers needed to be able to rent a car in India:

Be aware that the road condition in India is very poor, and it takes a lot of time to reach the destination you want to reach.
You must have a driver’s license valid for at least one year, as well as an international driving license.
Obtaining a credit card for the main driver.
Be sure to choose a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle, given India’s hot climate and rugged roads.
Cars are heavily taxed to cross the state, so double check the prices displayed.
Your driver will suggest going to certain places and certain restaurants, as he will get a commission for that, so be firm in your choice from the start.
Check out car rental from trusted companies in India like Swagatam Tours, Car and Driver and many more.
The best tourism cities in India
India is a giant and diverse Asian country, full of different cultures and traditions that have distinguished it with a special character. Here are the 7 most important tourist cities in India.



Tourism in Delhi
Tourism in Delhi

Delhi is the beautiful Indian capital, which attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year. It is a vibrant city, enjoying many exciting tourist attractions, as it combines the ancient past with the modern present.

The city of Delhi provides its visitors with the possibility to enjoy many recreational activities, such as wandering in its crowded streets, its huge markets, and its crowded trains. As well as visiting the Red Fort, which dates back to the seventeenth century, to enjoy exploring the impressive Mughal architecture.

You can also ride one of the various transport vehicles in it, and go to the Jamia Mosque in Delhi, which provides you with enjoying the calm atmosphere and beautiful welcoming smiles. And don’t forget to climb to the top of the mosque’s tower for a small fee to get panoramic views of the city from the top.

tourism in jaipur

Jaipur is the capital of the state of Rajasthan, and it is one of the most important and favorite tourist destinations in India, nicknamed the “Pink City”.

In Jaipur, you can enjoy a lot of great things, most notably exploring the impressive Amber Fort, a stunning sprawling complex located on a hillside overlooking the lake, and one of the city’s most important tourist attractions.

You can also take a trip to the opulent City Palace with its stunning courtyards and gardens, as well as the Imaginatively Designed Palace of the Winds.




Tourism in Agra

Agra is a small city in India, but it is very famous and popular in the world, and it is visited by millions of visitors and tourists from all parts of the world throughout the year.

Perhaps the most prominent of Agra’s tourist attractions is the famous Taj Mahal, which is located on the Yamuna River, and is a symbol of romance, love and adventure, as it was built of white marble made of porcelain in the mausoleum by the emperor as a lavish memorial to his wife.

You can also take a guided tour of the ancient Agra Fort, which dates back to the Mughal era, and is an attractive place to visit in the city, where the walls of the castle and its magnificent designs.

Tourism in Mumbai

Mumbai is one of the most famous tourist cities in India, which is well worth a visit. It has an astonishing mix of slums and very affluent neighborhoods.

In Mumbai, you can admire world-class luxury homes, towering skyscrapers, along with the largest slums in Asia.

Admire the India Gate in Mumbai, which is a stone arch built on the

The waterfront in 1923. And don’t miss visiting the cave temple complex in the Elephant Caves, as well as taking an amazing cruise and watching the scenic surroundings.



Tourism in Bangalore

Bangalore is located in the southern part of India and is one of the important tourist destinations in the country. It has become a thriving global center for industry, nightlife and outdoors.

Bangalore has a large number of amusement parks, and wonderful markets such as the “Krishnarajendra” market. In addition to many restaurants to taste the most famous Indian dishes.

Tourism in Varanasi

Varanasi is a sacred city in India, located on the banks of the divine Ganges River. Hindus believe it is a holy place of pilgrimage. It is an exciting city and we recommend it to visit.

A visit to Varanasi also finally helps visitors to understand the deep cultural and spiritual practices of India, as it is famous for the religious practices that take place on the banks of the Ghats. You will see pilgrims bathing in the waters of the Ganges, as well as the cremation of Hindu bodies.



tourism in kolkata

Calcutta is the ancient capital of India, and has a strong history. It is also today the largest Indian commercial mega city full of wonderful tourism potential.

Calcutta is called “the capital of tea”, and it is a friendly place where poverty and modernity unite side by side. Victoria Memorial.

Tips before traveling to India
Before you travel to India, it is a must to get acquainted with some of the top guide tips for a perfect hassle free holiday. Of them are the following:

Avoid drinking tap water
Consume bottled water, and avoid drinking tap water completely. Also, when brushing your teeth, do not use tap water, to avoid infection and disease.

Be active on your vacation
No time for laziness, there are plenty of opportunities to attend amazing movies, events and concerts in India.

Beware of scams and scams
If someone offers to take you to the official government tourism office to book a ticket, tour or hotel or to exchange money, they will take you to a regular travel agent, book complete tours do not go out even with fake travel agents.

Watch what you eat in India
Don’t overindulge in a lot of curries and street-side snacks, so you don’t get some stomach infections and get serious illnesses.

Don’t miss to bring your camera
India is a beautiful and cheerful country full of colours. Allowing you to take a range of great photos. India is a street photographer’s dream.

Watch your clothes
Pay attention to your clothes while traveling in India, as the culture of India, like many other Southeast Asian countries, is conservative.

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Tourism in Taiwan and your guide to the 4 most important tourist cities to visit

Tourism in Taiwan and your guide to the 4 most important tourist cities to visit


Tourism in Taiwan is one of the modern tourist destinations, which has well-proven in East Asia. This beautiful island has a charming geographical location, as well as a group of the most amazing landscapes, unique cultures and important archaeological sites.


Taiwan has plenty of tourist attractions that guarantee you the best vacation, with its many theme parks, sea cliffs, waterfalls, marble-walled valleys, tropical and alpine forests, ancient buildings with exquisite engineering designs, as well as museums, temples, and night markets Delicious street food, wildlife, and much more make it an ideal destination for tourism.

Tourism in Taiwan

Discover tourism in Taiwan
Among the most beautiful tourist activities that you can do in Taiwan, cross the mountains through hiking trails, ride a bike and enjoy the view of the blue Pacific Ocean on one side and the green volcanic arches on the other. All this and more you can explore in Taiwan on your own. Here is a comprehensive guide on travel and tourism in Taiwan, the best cities and the most important tips…

Best places to stay in Taiwan
Taiwan’s best hotels

From Taipei’s dazzling skyline to scenic mountain ranges, many luxury hotels with fanciful designs take shape. There is also a hotel inside the zoo and many other accommodations in Taiwan … Read more about the best hotels in Taiwan.


Where is Taiwan located?
Where is Taiwan located?

Taiwan is located in the southeastern side of the continent of Asia, in the Pacific Ocean. And the Formosa Strait separated Taiwan from the State of China by a distance of approximately one hundred and forty kilometers.

Best time to travel to Taiwan
The best time to visit Taiwan is during spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November), when the weather is warm and pleasant. Taiwan has a subtropical monsoon climate. It is worth noting that:

Spring in Taiwan (April to June)
Spring is the ideal time for tourism in Taiwan, as it is characterized by moderate temperature and pleasant weather. The temperature ranges between (24-30) degrees Celsius. In the spring, you can enjoy visiting national parks, hiking in the beautiful trails designated for that, and attending many festivals, the most important of which is the Dragon Boat Festival.

Summer in Taiwan (June to August)
Summer is the peak season for tourism in Taiwan, and temperatures rise in the summer with rain, and temperatures range between (30-32) degrees Celsius. It is a great season to explore Taiwan and its prominent tourist attractions, and it is also the perfect time to go to the beaches in southern Taiwan, Kenting National Park, and Turtle Island to see dolphins and whales, as well as museums, temples and tourist villages.

Autumn in Taiwan (September to November)
Autumn in Taiwan is very beautiful. The weather is mild and cold, and the average temperature is (23-30) degrees Celsius. This allows you to visit the beautiful Taroko National Park and practice all outdoor activities, in addition to exploring Sun Moon Lake, taking boat trips, visiting traditional villages or renting a motorbike, and attending celebrations such as the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Winter in Taiwan is from December to March.
It is the low tourist season in Taiwan. The weather is very cold, with temperatures ranging (18-20) degrees Celsius, but it’s a great time to go to the Beitou Hot Springs, one of Taiwan’s most popular tourist attractions, in winter. In addition to enjoying the colorful display of cherry blossom trees, visit Yangmingshan National Park.




Language in Taiwan
Mandarin Chinese (Hokkien) is the official language spoken in Taiwan. Mandarin is divided into (Standard Mandarin and Taiwanese Mayan), with Standard Mandarin being the most common in Taiwan.

There are also many other minority languages ​​in Taiwan, including: “Taiwanese Hokkien language, Taika Hakka Chinese, Ames language, Japanese language, and English language.”

Tourist visa in Taiwan
Tourist visa in Taiwan

If you decide to travel and tourism in Taiwan, you must obtain a travel visa to Taiwan, which is divided into two types:

It is imposed on certain Arab countries, namely: “Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Emirates, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain.”

Taiwan visa through the embassy
It is imposed on some Arab countries, including: “Algeria, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Sudan.”

In order to obtain both types of Taiwanese visa, it is necessary to follow a set of rules and bring some papers necessary for this, namely:

A passport that is valid and valid for a period of no less than six months, with at least three blank pages.
Reservation of a round-trip flight ticket as evidence of leaving the country after the holiday.
Two recent passport size photographs with white background.
Carefully fill out and sign the Taiwan visa application form.
Proof of hotel reservation in Taiwan for the duration of your trip.
Proof of ability to spend throughout the tenure

Your nation is in Taiwan.
A letter signed by the employer for the employee traveler, and a letter from the study body in which the student traveler is studying.
Pay the Taiwan visa fee, which is $110.
The ideal period for tourism in Taiwan
The ideal period of travel and tourism in Taiwan is about 5 days. So that you have plenty of time to explore it and enjoy its most prominent tourist attractions. Here is a suggested Taiwan tourism program that can help you plan your vacation:



Day 1: Visit Taipei City
You can explore the Taiwanese capital, Taipei, which is a modern and world-renowned city, as well as its ancient monuments. It is a city rich in skyscrapers, religious temples, and important museums such as the National Palace Museum. And don’t miss out on enjoying some of the culinary offerings in Taye.

Day 2: Visit Taroko National Park in Hualien County
Explore Taroko National Park, one of Taiwan’s scenic natural wonders. Walk the Payang Waterfall Trail, pass the huge white marble walls, which stand in stunning contrast with the icy blue waters below, and explore the Shrine of Eternal Spring on top of the waterfall slope, which has a unique architectural style.

Day 3: Chichang visit Taitung City
Explore the rice fields with a bike tour, enjoy a peaceful ride amidst the plantations and the refreshing scent of blooming lotus flowers and fresh grass. Also enjoy the nightly shows, featuring local folk bands and karaoke.

Fourth day: Visit Tainan City
On the fourth day, you can visit Anping Castle overlooking the bay, the famous Temple of Confucius and Tin Hau Temple, Chikan Tower, as well as the pedestrian-only Shennong Street filled with small shops and cafes.

Day 5: Return to Taipei
Enjoy the view from Taipei 101, one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world, then sip bubble tea and traditional pots, such as dried mango and dried squid that fill the streets, shop from the many active night markets, and prepare to head home.


How much does tourism cost in Taiwan?
To spend an ideal holiday in Taiwan, you need to know the average prices for various tourist services and activities in Taiwan, here are the most important ones:

The average cost of a trip to Taiwan for two people for one week is approximately NT$40,875.
The average price of a hotel in Taiwan for a couple is around 3,620 Taiwan dollars.
​​The price of accommodation in Taiwan for one person is 1,810 Taiwan dollars
The average daily expenditure in Taiwan per capita is about 2,920 Taiwan dollars.
The average cost of meals per day per person is approximately NTD 433.
The cost of commuting on local transportation is about NT$292.
Average prices for fun activities, tickets, and shows per person per day in Taiwan is NTD 432.
The average price for tips and tricks in Taiwan is NT$166 per day.
The expenditure on bottled water in Taiwan per day per capita is NT$150.
Transportation and transportation in Taiwan
Transportation and transportation



Taiwan has many means of public transportation that you can use easily to move between the entire island, and the most important types of public transportation that you can use during tourism in Taiwan are:

Taipei Songshan Airport operates domestic airlines with which you can quickly travel to your desired destination.

Taiwan has many high-quality railroad tracks, and there is also the Taiwan High-Speed ​​Railway (THSR).

long distance bus
Taipei Bus Terminal, located north of the railway station, is the city’s largest bus hub. There are many long-distance passenger transportation companies that are very popular and important in the country.

the ship
Inland transportation by ship in Taipei is one of the wonderful and fun ways within Taiwan, and there are many offers and discounts in it.

The metro is the most efficient mode of transportation to get around in Taipei. There are seven lines that pass through a number of scenic spots, and it is characterized by its speed and reasonable prices.



Taipei bus
There are more than 300 bus routes in the city, you can take a bus near almost every metro station to those scenic spots.

You can use taxis during tourism in Taiwan to travel through them to your tourist destination in the country. It is also a convenient way.

Taipei has about 180 bike rental stations. And riding a bike is a good way to explore the city, you can use an EasyCard to rent or pay NT$2000 as a deposit.

Maukong Cable Car
It is the main mode of transportation in the Makong area due to the narrowness of the roads, and there are 30 crystal cable cars for you to better enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Motor cycles
Motorcycles are popular in Taiwan, you can rent one with an international driving license to move around the city.



The official currency of Taiwan
The official currency of Taiwan

The Taiwan dollar is the official currency used in Taiwan, and is denoted by the symbol (NT $), as it is denoted in the English language of business and finance by the symbol (TWD).

The Taiwan dollar is called the new Taiwan dollar, and it is divided into over 100 cents or fen, or made up of 10 jiao.

Telecommunications and the Internet in Taiwan
Taiwan has a group of the best and largest communication and Internet companies, always striving to develop and provide special offers at competitive prices. Among the most important communication companies that you can deal with during tourism in Taiwan:


Chunghwa Telecom.
Taiwan Mobile “Taiwan Mobile”.
Yuanchuan Telecom.
D-Link Global.
Asia Pacific Communications Corporation.
The distance between the most popular cities in Taiwan
To enjoy exploring Taiwan and its most prominent tourist attractions, you need to know the distances between its various tourist cities. Here are the distances between the most famous tourist cities in Taiwan:

Kaohsiung to Taipei 297 km.
Taipei to Taiwan 282 km.
Jincheng to Taitung City 343 km.
Jincheng to Kaohsiung 285 km.
Taipei to Tainan 265 km.
Taipei to Hsinchu 65 km.
From Taipei to Kaohsiung 296 km.
Taipei to Bole 133 km.
Taipei to Taichung 133 km.
Rent a car in Taiwan
One of the best ways to explore as much of the country and its natural beauty as possible is to rent a car in Taiwan. Here are the most important tips and conditions for renting a car in Taiwan:

Make sure to book your rental car in advance to get the best rate and to guarantee availability.
Obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP), in addition to a valid driver’s licence.
Driving on the right side of the road in Taiwan.
Park your car in the designated areas, as there is ample parking at the main tourist attractions.
Never leave anything valuable in your car that you cannot afford to lose.
Most of the major road signs are in English and landmarks are marked.
Cars are not allowed to drive through Alishan National District.
Use Google Maps to navigate through Taiwan.
Speed ​​cameras appear regularly in Taiwan.
Driving in the countryside is not as stressful as driving in the city.
Taiwan has zero tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol.
The best tourist cities in Taiwan
When planning your Taiwan tour, be sure to include its most important tourist cities. Here are the 4 most important tourist cities that we advise you to visit during your holiday…



Tourism in Taipei

Taipei is the wonderful capital of Taiwan, which is full of diverse tourist attractions that attract tourists from all over the world. In Taipei you can admire the famous 101 that Taipei prides itself on being more than just a tall skyscraper, as well as wander the crowded streets, go to quaint museums and bustling night markets, stroll down the old Jiu Fen Street, and relax in Yangmingshan Park.

Tourism in Hualien

Hualien is one of Taiwan’s most important tourist cities, and is very popular with visitors and tourists alike, as it is a treasure trove of scenic and culinary gems.

Hualien offers its visitors to enjoy the most enjoyable leisure activities including wandering the Taroko Gorge and getting scenic, as well as enjoying gastronomic treasures, friendly locals, and wonderful architecture.

Tourism in Taichung

Taichung is a city rich in cultural attractions, natural sites and great shopping areas, don’t miss it.

One can enjoy many amazing things in Taichung, the most important of which are visiting the upscale Miharu pineapple tart shop, going to the Rainbow Military Village, a landmark of vibrant paintings, as well as the original Chun Shui Tang Café, the supposed pioneer of bubble tea.

Tourism in Tainan

Tainan is one of the great tourist cities in Taiwan but is underappreciated, as it is full of interesting history and heritage, as well as landscapes worth exploring.

Tainan offers tourists the enjoyment of going to the ancient Anping district, which is dotted with charming tree houses, beautiful forts, food street, scenic temples and much more.

Tips before traveling to Taiwan
Before traveling to Taiwan, you need to know the most important tips to help you have a perfect and hassle-free holiday in Taiwan. Here are the most important ones:

Be careful when you sit on public transportation in Taiwan
There are designated seats on the metro and buses for the elderly, pregnant women and people with disabilities.

Know that criticism is king in Taiwan
So you need to carry cash with you while traveling in Taiwan.

Don’t worry about the language in Taiwan
Where English is widely spoken by people in Taiwan.

Don’t talk on public transportation
Talking on public transportation in Taiwan is considered rude.

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The Brazilian beaches of Rio de Janeiro are classified

The Brazilian beaches of Rio de Janeiro are classified


among the most beautiful beaches in the world, visited by thousands of visitors every year, due to the beauty of the Brazilian coast, clear turquoise waters, soft golden sands, and the multiplicity of water activities in the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, so do not miss the opportunity to visit the most beautiful beaches in the world and enjoy spending a summer vacation with your family Your friends will not be forgotten.

The best hotels in Rio de Janeiro

Hotels offer multiple accommodation options to suit all visitors and get the best options at the best prices in addition to services and….Read more.

The best beaches of Rio de Janeiro
We present to you the beaches of Rio de Janeiro that are worth a visit


Copacabana Beach

One of the most famous and crowded beaches in Rio de Janeiro, because it is very large and clean, and you can practice many activities on the beach, such as surfing, diving, and swimming in the clear sea water. You can also rent sea boats and make tours in the sea.

A lot of music and barbecue parties are held on the beach, especially during the holiday seasons. The beach is full of a distinctive and noisy atmosphere, in addition to the presence of many delicious and delicious Brazilian cuisine restaurants that are worth experiencing and visiting, so do not miss this wonderful atmosphere and visit this beach with your family and friends.

And if you want to reach Copacabana Beach using Google Maps, click here.

Macumba Beach


A beautiful and clean family beach, characterized by clear blue waters and high waves suitable for surfing. You will even find many sports practitioners in this beach because it is one of the best beaches in Rio de Janeiro for surfing.

The beach is close to natural reserves, so when you visit the beach, you can walk and visit one of these rare reserves, along with many luxurious restaurants that serve the best seafood. The wonderful beach.

And if you want to reach Makumba Beach using Google Maps, click here.

Ipanema Beach

A wide and large beach is one of the famous beaches of Rio de Janeiro. The beach is located very close to the city center and is easy to reach by public transportation. It has many landscapes that you must visit and take the most beautiful memorial photos of.

It is classified as a musical beach characterized by a noisy and distinctive festive atmosphere, and there are a large number of stalls selling fast food and cold drinks, and be careful especially on crowded days of theft because it is a very crowded and famous beach in Rio de Janeiro, so it must be visited with your family and friends.

And if you want to reach Ipanema Beach using Google Maps, click here.


Sernambetiba Beach

A distinctive musical beach among the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, because you will find a lot of music concerts and a wonderful celebration atmosphere on the beach. There are also many kiosks selling beach clothes, swimming and surfing supplies, and everything you might want on the beach.

You can practice surfing because the sea waves are high and very suitable, and there are photographers that you can hire to take the best pictures for you at that time, and with all these features, you should not miss visiting this amazing beach for yourself.

And if you want to reach Sernampetbia Beach using Google Maps, click here.


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The main menu at Yiba Yipa Freiburg restaurant focuses 

The main menu at Yiba Yipa Freiburg restaurant focuses 



preparing high-quality Mexican dishes. In addition, what distinguishes the menu here is providing delicious and unique dishes and appetizers alongside main meals such as avocado or fresh tomatoes.


Google, click here.

Lipa Lipa Freiburg

The main menu at Yiba Yipa Freiburg restaurant focuses on preparing high-quality Mexican dishes. In addition, what distinguishes the menu here is providing delicious and unique dishes and appetizers alongside main meals such as avocado or fresh tomatoes.


This restaurant is dominated by the traditional Mexican character, both in its construction and in its meals, for example, the main ingredient in all meals is handmade corn tortillas, and the list of delicious Mexican drinks such as rice water with milk, and iced tea with hibiscus also goes on. And lemon juice with cucumber.

If you want to reach the restaurant via Google Maps, click here.

Perris Freiburg Restaurant

It is a restaurant that specializes in Argentinian food. If you are in Freiburg and want to eat some Latin food, just visit this restaurant and enjoy all the delicious classic meals, for example, you can have a plate of soft minced Argentine meat with homemade Argentinean herb sauce with pepper Sweet garlic and parsley.



Argentine cuisine is very popular in Freiburg, especially the hearty empanada, which is a classic dish with an Argentine twist and is considered the second national dish alongside barbecue (asado). Empanadas are made by hand and baked in the oven until crispy. This restaurant is open Monday through Thursday every week In addition to offering special offers on Fridays and Saturdays.

If you want to reach the restaurant via Google Maps, click here.

In addition, the interior design of the restaurant takes you to the heart of the East, which is rich in delicious Afghani food and delicious drinks. In return, you can enjoy the

various meals and dishes prepared in a way that combines tradition, diversity and modernity, and eat them either inside the restaurant or on the outdoor terrace, during the week and every day except Sunday.

If you want to get to the restaurant through another

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