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Month: May 2024

The best tourist cities in Japan

The best tourist cities in Japan



Japan is a country rich with rich cultural heritage and history, as well as stunning natural landscapes, sophisticated modern buildings, skyscrapers, vibrant cities and many more. Here are the most important and most beautiful 10 tourist cities in Japan that we advise you to visit…

Tourism in Tokyo

Tokyo is one of the most populous Japanese cities in the world. It is the Japanese capital, and one of the important tourist destinations, as it receives millions of visitors annually from different parts of the world, to explore its unique and advanced cultural landmarks.

Tokyo allows you to do many great recreational activities, including strolling safely the cobblestone streets, exploring the city’s historical remains and ancient atmosphere, food stalls and much more. As well as pop culture and international fashion.



Tokyo is also home to more Michelin-starred establishments than anywhere in the world, offering great gourmet food, shopping malls and much more.

Tourism in Kyoto

Kyoto is famous as the most beautiful city in the world, as well as a historical city with a rich cultural heritage, and characterized by many aspects of civilization. It is one of the most important and best tourism destinations in Japan, and Kyoto is considered the cultural and spiritual capital of Japan.

There are a variety of recreational activities that you can do in Kyoto, including exploring its great historical monuments, where there are more than two thousand religious temples and shrines. You can also wander the winding cobbled alleys, and see traditional cafes, and restaurants of the world class.



Also, don’t miss the stunning palaces and villas, as well as multiple Zen gardens with a dry Japanese landscape, and romantic cherry blossom trees.

Tourism in Kanazawa

Located on the Sea of ​​Japan, Kanazawa is a beautiful city characterized by its picturesque landscapes that attract many visitors to relax and harmonize in the calm atmosphere of the city.

Kanazawa includes many tourist attractions and archaeological sites that allow tourists to enjoy exploring, including ancient shrines, temples and beautiful museums. As well as a fun wander through amazingly preserved old quarters like the ancient samurai. Perhaps the most favorite visitor area in the city is Kenroku-en Castle, which is surrounded by idyllic gardens, all of the above in addition to the charming night views.



Tourism in Hiroshima

Hiroshima was rebuilt after it was completely destroyed by the atomic bomb in 1945, and is now a bustling modern city, one of Japan’s top tourist attractions.

Hiroshima allows tourists to practice all kinds of recreational activities, including enjoying visiting attractions from museums, parks and amusement parks, such as the Peace Memorial Park, seeing the ruins of Genbaku Dome “Nuclear Bomb Dome”, Tsukushima Shrine, and Hiroshima Castle, as well as going to the islands near the city and the most famous of them.” Miyajima Island.

Tourism in Osaka

Osaka is located in the south of the island of Honshu, Japan, overlooking the Osaka Bay, and it is a tourist destination that occupies a great place with locals and tourists alike.

Osaka has an array of charming landscapes, captivating tourists with the Yodogawa Estuary at its heart, and the abundance of neon lights that give it its own charm, and it is a cheerful and vibrant city.



The city is famous for the sounds of music, as well as for the diversity of its attractions such as the Ramen Museum and the National Museum of Art, and visit the Osaka Kaikwan Aquarium, Tennoji Park, and Mino. In addition to experiencing the most delicious food dishes in restaurants or from the street. And to enjoy an exciting atmosphere, you should head to the Universal Studios theme park, which is suitable for all age groups.



Tourism in Yokohama

Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan, located on Tokyo Bay. It is a coastal city and a global tourism destination worth exploring and visiting for its super clean and beauty. Yokohama is an important major port in Japan.

The city is known for its diversity of architecture, as well as delicious food from around the world. You can visit theme parks such as Yamashita and Sanken, Chinatown, and don’t miss shopping in the country’s various malls and buying wonderful souvenirs.



Tourism in Nara
Japan Nara

Nara is a city that stands out for its unique beauty, as well as being the first permanent capital of Japan. It has many historical and cultural attractions, and the city has many sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, so feel free to visit them.

You can easily explore the city of Nara by walking, and see the many religious monuments such as temples and shrines, and the amazing Buddha statue. It shows the beauty of Japanese art and architecture, and don’t forget the green hills and beautiful gardens filled with beautiful deer.



Tourism in Sapporo

The great city of Sapporo is the capital of the island of Hokkaido, and it is one of the important tourist attractions in, as it includes many tourist attractions, and allows its visitors to practice many recreational activities throughout the year.

You can enjoy many exciting winter sports such as snowboarding, as well as enjoyable summer activities such as attending many festivals, perhaps the most important of which is the famous Snow Festival “Sapporo Snow”, which is attended by thousands of tourists to see the huge statues.

You can also go to the mountains, hills, hot springs on the island, huge shopping malls, great restaurants, exciting nightlife, and much more.



Tourism in Sendai


Sendai is the largest city in Tohoku on the island of Honshu, Japan, and it is one of the most beautiful tourist cities in Japan. It is a city that combines the authentic traditional life of the Japanese people with the bustling modern life.

You can enjoy visiting the ruins of the ancient city fortress, the mausoleum of the famous families, as well as beautiful gardens, hot springs, the Museum of the Forest of the Deep of the Earth, attend the many festivals for which the city is famous, buy wonderful souvenirs, and do not forget to try the local food with an irresistible taste.

Tourism in Fukuoka

Fukuoka, the largest city in Kyushu, is a beautiful place with a pleasant atmosphere. Located on the banks of a river running through it, the city is an ideal destination to visit.

You can enjoy watching the famous baseball team, visiting great museums, as well as discovering the amazing architecture, and going to the temples scattered around the city. It is also home to over six thousand plum trees, which bloom in spring and beautify the city.

Tips before traveling to Japan
If this is your first visit to Japan, then you should get acquainted with the most important tips and advice that you will need during the trip, which can help you to plan the perfect vacation for you, namely:

Print your hotel address in Japanese
That is, if your phone battery runs out, show this copy to the driver so they can read it and connect you with ease.




Always carry hand sanitizer with you
The lack of soap in many public baths in Japan.

Discover true relaxation in onsen
This Japanese hot spring offers the ultimate in luxury and relaxation, don’t miss it.

Do not miss the experience of walking in the forest
Japanese culture emphasizes harmony with nature, and hiking the many dedicated trails is a popular pastime for people of all age groups. It is a unique experience that we recommend to you.

Learn some key Japanese phrases
Learning some Japanese greeting phrases is important to enhance your Japan trip. However, most people speak English, and there are plenty of signs in English in the major tourist cities of Japan.

Beware of tipping
Tipping is not known to Japanese people, so if you try to leave a tip, it will definitely be rejected. Don’t try to avoid embarrassment.

Don’t forget to take off your shoes
One of the Japanese customs that must be respected is to take off the shoes before entering homes, some temples, and any area with mats. It is recommended to wear shoes that are easy to put on and take off because you will be doing this a lot during your tourism holiday in Japan

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Tourism in Lithuania and the most important tourist destinations for an unforgettable trip

Tourism in Lithuania and the most important tourist destinations for an unforgettable trip




Tourism in Lithuania has become one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the continent of Europe. It attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world, due to its beautiful landscapes and beaches. It is a coastal country overlooking the Baltic Sea, and the wonderful Lake Curcio, which is separated from the sea coast by a narrow strip, in addition to its mild climate, which allows them to spend the most enjoyable tourist holidays.

Lithuania has historical and archaeological monuments dating back to the Soviet era such as the Money Museum and the Beekeeping Museum. In addition to a distinguished group of UNESCO World Heritage sites, as well as unique architecture in neoclassical, Gothic and Renaissance styles, castles, high towers, churches, monasteries and beautiful palaces.

This is in addition to large areas of parks and recreational parks, green forests, health and treatment spas, and hills. It also allows you a lot of tourist and recreational activities such as enjoying the beaches and lakes, walking in the soft white sand dunes, amidst the bright lights of the sun, practicing water activities and renting boats, and wandering the cobbled streets full of wonderful restaurants, cafes and cafes. Here is the most important information about Lithuania, its best tourist cities and pre-travel tips, so that you can plan well for your vacation..



Tourism in Lithuania

Discover tourism in Lithuania
The Republic of Lithuania is one of the three famous Baltic states, which has ideal temperatures for tourism. This made tourism in Lithuania a distinctive tourist destination in the continent of Europe.
The Republic of Lithuania is located in eastern Europe, along the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is bordered on the south by Russia and Poland, and on the north by Latvia.

On the east, it is bordered by Belarus, on the southeast it is bordered by Belarus, and on the west by the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Region.



Best time to travel to Lithuania

The best time to visit Lithuania depends on what activities you plan to do, and your preferred climate. Here is a breakdown of the seasons of the year in Lithuania and the most important activities that you can do during them:

Winter season (from December to February):
Winter in Lithuania is characterized by being very cold, the temperature almost drops below zero degrees Celsius. Despite this, Lithuania has a lot to offer to visitors, especially at Christmas and Christmas, when the streets are filled with lights and beautiful lights.

You can also enjoy a distinguished group of recreational activities such as: skiing in the tops of Lipkalnis, going to health and spa resorts, visiting the museums of the Lithuanian capital, the Museum of Optical Illusions, which is a unique experience, as well as snow parks, and many more. The winter season is one of the low seasons for tourism in Lithuania, so you can take advantage of that, as the costs of flights and hotels are low.



Spring (March to May):
Spring is characterized by its relatively warm climate, as well as its low costs that allow you to enjoy an ideal tourist trip at an affordable cost. You can explore the country, wander its streets and see its beautiful landscapes, its national parks, historical and cultural monuments, and upscale restaurants and cafes. All in the midst of a dreamy springtime.

Summer (June to August):
This season is the peak season for tourism in Lithuania, as Lithuania has a mild climate, and high heat that attracts tourists to go to the wonderful beaches and lakes, to practice summer sports and exciting outdoor adventures. It is one of the best times to visit in Lithuania, for lovers of summer activities.



Autumn semester (September to November):
At that time the country enjoys warmth and wonderful landscapes, where autumn foliage hues gradient between golden yellow, red and orange. It also allows tourists to enjoy all outdoor recreational activities, explore the country and its landmarks, and take wonderful souvenir photos.

The language in Lithuania
Lithuanian is the eastern Baltic language most closely related to Latvian, and it is the official primary language spoken in the Republic of Lithuania. Several sub-languages ​​are also found in Lithuania, including Polish, Russian, and English, which are mainly spoken in the country’s prominent tourist sites.



Tourist visa in Lithuania

It is necessary to obtain a travel visa to Lithuania, when deciding to travel to Lithuania. In order to obtain a tourist visa, there are many necessary conditions and requirements, the most important of which are:

Apply for a visa to travel to the Republic of Lithuania, fill it out and sign it.
A passport valid for at least three months before the start of your trip in Lithuania, and copies of


of the passport, making sure that there are at least two blank pages in the passport.
Two recent passport size photographs with a white background.
A health insurance policy of €30,000, valid in all Schengen countries. If the visa is refused, the price of the policy will be refunded.
Reservation of round-trip air ticket, hotel or accommodation reservation for the duration of your trip in Lithuania.
An up-to-date bank statement, to ensure you are able to spend during your holiday in Lithuania.
Proof of civil and professional status, if any, with proof of the monthly salary and the employer’s signature on the leave.
The ideal period of tourism in Lithuania
The ideal duration of tourism in Lithuania is from five days to a week. Which is enough time to explore the most important and most beautiful historical and tourist attractions, and the scenic landscapes in the country.

You can start with the Lithuanian capital “Vilnius”, which is filled with many wonderful tourist attractions, to spend two to three days. A period that allows you to go to the museums, the UNESCO-listed Old Town, the Jewish Quarter, churches and monasteries, the Central Market Hall, as well as the quiet Bernardine Garden to relax and harmonize in the lap of nature.

You can also go to the idyllic island castle Trakai, which is located on an island in the lake, and is very popular with tourists, for its fantastic views. And don’t miss out on trying cafes and restaurants, visiting cathedrals and churches. After completing the exploration of Vilnius, you can explore the Lithuanian countryside outside the capital.


Then you can explore the old town of Kaunas, the Devil’s Museum, Liberty Street, the Palace of the Dukes, as well as the possibility to attend the many fun festivals and beach races for which Lithuania is famous.

How much does tourism cost in Lithuania?
In order to spend a pleasant tourist holiday in Lithuania, you should plan well and know the cost of your holiday. Here are the average prices for services and activities in the ideal Lithuania:

The average daily expenditure in Lithuania per capita is about 74 Euros or 87 US dollars.
Food per day per person about 29 EUR or 34 USD.
The average price for one meal per person is 12 EUR or 25 USD.
Leisure activities in Lithuania per person per day are about 11 euros.
The average price of a hotel in Lithuania for a couple is about 67 euros, or 79 dollars.
Prices for local transportation are 9.35 EUR or 11 USD.
The average tip price in Lithuania per day is €1.03.
The average price of a trip in Lithuania for two people during one week is 1030 euros, or 1217 US dollars.
Transportation and transportation in Lithuania
Transportation in Lithuania

Lithuanian roads are considered among the best in Eastern Europe, as they do not have a distinguished network of motorways and public transport. All roads are free to use, and car rental is easily available at the airports. The most important types of transportation in the Republic of Lithuania are:

Public transportation between cities in Lithuania is cheap, but rather slow. You can buy bus tickets in advance at the bus stops. In a popular way in Lithuania.

Lithuanian railways are not of the same quality as those in Western Europe. It is usually faster and more comfortable than traveling by bus. It is easy to use, as it has methods, prices and times translated in English.

The bicycle is a great means of transportation in Lithuania, and it is in great demand in the summer, especially in rural areas with comfortable flat roads. Bicycle rental services are available throughout major cities and coastal villages. It gives you enjoyment of scenic views. There are plenty of parking spaces for bikes, and some buses have free bike racks, as well as ferries. It is one of the best means of transportation during tourism in Lithuania.

Car Rental:
Driving in Lithuania is easy, and it is available all over the major cities in Lithuania, and the roads are good.

Lithuania boasts an extensive network of open public aviation airports, and has three passenger airports, but no domestic flights.

Food and drinks in Lithuania
Food and drinks in Lithuania

Lithuanian food is something to try, as Lithuanian cuisine is known for its delicious taste and healthy dishes. This is where Lithuanian dishes rely heavily on root vegetables such as potatoes and beets, meat and dairy, all of which are adapted to the cold weather conditions in Lithuania. Here are the most important and delicious Lithuanian dishes that we advise you to try:

Sibelinae (Zeppelins):
It is the Lithuanian national dish, and consists of large dumplings made from a mixture of potato dough stuffed with meat and covered in sour cream and bacon sauce.

Boroclich Seropa:
It is a warm beetroot soup, made of beetroot, onions, celery and carrots mixed with meat broth and seasoned with salt, pepper and dill, distinguished by its delicious red color.

Capta Donna:
It is dark Lithuanian rye bread fried in oil, seasoned with garlic and salt, and served with a cheese sauce.

It is a cold beet soup with boiled eggs, yogurt and boiled potatoes, and is famous for its light pink color.

Potato pancakes:
It is a simple dish consisting of shredded potatoes, onions and eggs scrambled together and fried in oil. It is served with dill, green onions and sour cream.

Gribokai (mushroom biscuits):
It is a delicious little crumb flavored with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom, and shaped like mushrooms.

There are also many traditional Lithuanian drinks, including:

It is a non-alcoholic drink made from bread

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Tourism in Denmark

Tourism in Denmark

Tourism in Denmark is popular all over the world due to the country’s natural beauty, rich coastal beaches and picturesque harbors, as well as its rich heritage and delicious cuisine.



The country is dotted with a large number of interesting historical sites that highlight the rich heritage of the Viking people. As well as wonderful Danish museums, old churches and delightful architecture, as well as fine restaurants serving delicious recipes. In short, there are a lot of fun things to do in Denmark.

Discover tourism in Denmark
Here is this article that will help you to know the top 10 tourist cities in Denmark. As well as a set of the most important tips, instructions and information, which you must know before traveling to have a successful and enjoyable tourist holiday…


Where is Denmark located?
Denmark is one of the Scandinavian countries located in the north of the European continent. As for the country’s borders, they are mostly free, as the North Sea separates the Kingdom of Denmark and Britain to the west. While the waterways between the North Sea and the Baltic dominate the northern side of the borders with Sweden and Norway. On its eastern and western borders lie the Skagrac and Kattegat sea lanes. As for the southern border, it is land with Germany. In short, Denmark is a peninsula called Jutland with many beautiful islands stretching into the sea.

The best time to travel to Denmark
The tourism trip in Denmark has a lot of fun and entertaining activities, but it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions in order to get the optimal view of the country. In other words, Denmark’s climate is characterized by very cold winters and warm temperate weather in summer. However, the climatic situation is different across the Kingdom, where its western parts experience an Atlantic climate, while its eastern parts have a continental climate. It is new to note that:


Summer (from June to August): This season witnesses the peak of tourist demand towards the Kingdom of Denmark. Where the Danish beaches are filled with visitors from all over the world to enjoy the warm weather and the long hours of sunshine of up to 20 hours. The Danish summer also witnesses many fun festivals that increase the attractiveness of the trip, most notably the Viking Festival, which extends for two weeks from the end of June until the beginning of July each year.

Spring (March to May): The spring season is a fun option for tourism in Denmark, with lots of greenery and beautiful wildflowers. This is accompanied by some decrease in temperatures and fresh air with more economic prices than in the summer.

Autumn season (September to October): Autumn sees a new page of Danish beauty where the leaves are falling and the weather is pleasantly cool. All the above, with good prices compared to the summer days.

Winter season (November to February): Winter is an ideal opportunity for tourism in Denmark, especially for lovers of the winter weather. Where the country is covered with white snow, which makes it a suitable choice for ski trips or to attend the wonderful Christmas atmosphere.



The language in Denmark
Danish is the official language of the Kingdom of Denmark and is spoken by the largest part of the population. This language is included in the list of Germanic languages ​​scattered in parts of Northern Europe.

Denmark Tourist Visa
Before heading to travel and tourism in Denmark, there are some conditions necessary to obtain a visa, which are:

Tourist visa application form with fingerprints.
A passport valid for at least three months.
2 personal photos, 3.5 x 4.5 cm in size.
Medical insurance of a minimum of 30 thousand euros to cover the length of stay.
Book a round trip flight.
hotel reservation.
Proof of the financial resource for the café through the bank statements for the last three months before the tourist trip.
Pay the visa fee of 80 euros.
Conducting a personal interview at the embassy and waiting for a response.
Obtaining a visa to travel to Denmark.
The ideal period for tourism in Denmark
Tourists enjoy a lot of fun and excitement during their trip in Denmark at every moment. In the country’s ports and beautiful beaches, what motivates you to stay there for a longer period. The magic of the Viking civilization and their legends gives you another opportunity to immerse yourself in Danish history for hours, days and weeks as well.

In short, it is not possible to embark on a tourism trip in Denmark and leave all this magic quickly. It is expected that your trip will take at least two weeks of time. While the possibility of staying longer, especially in the summer days.




How much does tourism cost in Denmark?
Tourists usually search for the expected costs of a happy holiday in Denmark. Although the cost of tourism varies from one person to another, according to the itinerary, the place of residence, the duration, and the level of daily spending as well, this does not preclude knowing the approximate cost in advance.

Forecasts indicate that one person in Denmark per day spends what not

Less than 1,075 Danish kroner, which is equivalent to 169 US dollars. Where the cost of accommodation is estimated at 978 Danish crowns, or 154 US dollars. As for the prices of meals, it averages 311 Swedish crowns, which is equivalent to 49 US dollars.

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Tourism in China and the top 5 Chinese tourist cities worth visiting

Tourism in China and the top 5 Chinese tourist cities worth visiting

Tourism in China is one of the wonderful experiences, which allows you to enjoy the opportunity to explore the ancient Chinese culture, the most beautiful landscapes and the most important and prominent historical sites and landmarks of world fame. Learn through this report all the information and advice before traveling to China for tourism, and the best tourism cities in China that we suggest you visit during your vacation.



China has a large number of tourist attractions that attract millions of tourists from all over the world annually. Among the most important are the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Great Wall of China, ancient cities, temples, forests, waterfalls, rivers, sacred mountains and many other tourist attractions that gain great tourist popularity.

Tourism in China

Discover tourism in China
Thanks to the huge size of China, in addition to enjoying a rich civilization and cultural heritage, as a tourist destination, it also offers unlimited scope for exploration. Where you can take a cruise on a luxury cruise ship on the Yangtze River, or walk along the Bund in Shanghai, or visit the city of Guangzhou, and many other exciting adventures and attractions.
Best places to stay in China

China has a variety of accommodation, hotels and tourist residences, which meet all the needs of tourists to ensure an ideal tourist vacation. Whether you have a modest, medium or large budget, you will find the right application for your budget. To compare the most important places to stay in China… Read more about the best hotels in China



Where is China located?
Where is China located?

China is located in the northeastern part of the Asian continent. China shares its borders with fourteen countries:

It is bordered on the north by Mongolia, on the northwest by Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, on the northeast by Russia, on the south by Vietnam, Burma, Laos and the South China Sea, and on the western side with India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sikkim and Bhutan On the east side is the East China Sea. ”

The best time to travel to China
The best time to travel to China is during the fall (September-October) and spring (April-May). This is where the weather is warm and dry during these months every year. And due to the huge area of ​​China, you can travel to different parts of China throughout the year according to your preference of weather and tourist activities. It is worth noting that:

Spring semester (April to May):
Spring is one of the best times to visit China, especially for nature lovers. Where the flowers bloom and the temperature ranges between (10-23) degrees Celsius, allowing you to enjoy exploring China and doing all the outdoor tourism activities.



Summer season (June to August):
Summer is the time for most activities you can do in China, such as sightseeing, hiking in the sunny mountains and watching Chinese festivals. It also provides ideal conditions for lovers of mountainous and highland destinations, such as Tibet, Yunnan, Guilin, Zhangjiajie Garden and many others, where the average temperature is (25-33) degrees Celsius.

Autumn semester (September to October):
Autumn is also one of the best times to travel in China and practice various outdoor activities, where the average temperature is (15-27) degrees Celsius.. Autumn in China is characterized by its cheerful colors that enhance your trip and allow you to take the most wonderful photographs.

Winter season (November to March):
The average daily temperature in winter is 8 degrees Celsius, which is one of the least expensive tourist seasons, in terms of airline tickets and hotels prices, as well as to avoid tourist crowds in peak seasons. During which you can discover the traditional and ethnic culture of China through the colorful local festivals. And do many different winter activities.


language in china
The Chinese language is the official language used in China, and it is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world, and it is called “Hanyu, Junkun, and Huayu”, and the Chinese writing language is known as “Hands”.

China also has many other sub-languages, the most important of which are:

(Cantonese, Mandarin, Ken, Ken, Wu, Taiwanese, Hakka, Xiang, Jin, Huizhou, Xiang, Baifenghua, Min Bei, Min Nan, Yue).





China Tourist Visa
China Tourist Visa

To obtain a tourist visa in China, you will need to follow a set of rules and conditions, in addition to submitting some documents. Here are the most important ones:


A passport valid for a period of no less than six months, with blank pages in it, a copy of the personal data page and the page where the passport photo is located.
Apply for a China Tourist Visa “L-class visa” form, fill it out and sign it.
A recent color photograph, with a white background and the same size as the passport photo.
Proof of accommodation or hotel reservation in China for the duration of the trip.
Documents showing the itinerary include information about the applicant and information about the visit.
Reservation of a round trip flight ticket.
The ideal period for tourism in China
The ideal duration of tourism in China is approximately 13 days. It is long enough to explore most of the main attractions of China

g. Here is a tourist program in China that you can take or modify:

Spend the first, second, third and fourth day in Beijing
In those days, you can wander around the city and explore its treasures and attractions. Such as the Forbidden City, the largest imperial palace in China, the Chinese Royal National Park, the Summer Palace, and a mixture of charming landscapes. Then take a trip to the Mutianyu Great Wall, ride the cable car, and visit the Temple of Heaven.

Spend the fifth, sixth and seventh day in Xi’an
During those days, you can go on a trip to the Qin Emperor’s mausoleum, and explore the religious architecture of Xi’an. And that’s where Buddhism and Islam have melted away in Xi’an for thousands of years, with magnificent Buddha temples and mosques being built. Then you can visit Shaanxi History Museum, and admire the fantastic landscape.

Spend the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth days in the Lhasa region
Here you can visit the magnificent Potala Palace, and Jokhang Temple, which is the spiritual center of Tibet. You can also go to the bustling central market, buy special souvenirs, and then go to the famous sacred lake of Tibet, the most beautiful lake in the world.

Spend the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth day in Chengdu
During the last three days of your vacation, enjoy visiting the giant panda breeding base, strolling the old Jinli Street, enjoying special Chinese food, and preparing to leave and return home.


How much does tourism cost in China?
You should plan your budget well before you go for a holiday in China. Here are the average costs for tourism in China:

The average cost of a trip to China for two people for one week is 1007 USD.
The average cost of a vacation in China for a week per person is about 3,215 JPY.
Daily expenditure in China per capita is approximately 72 US dollars.
The average cost of daily meals in China for a single traveler is about 21 USD.
The average price of bee transportation in China per person is 14 USD per day.
Hotel rates in China for a couple is 62 USD.
The average transportation cost between cities and towns in China is 274 JPY.
The average cost of entertainment and activities in China is about JPY 97 per person, per day.
The cost of tips and tricks in China is JPY 38 per day.
The average daily cost of spending on bottled water in China is JPY 5.74.
Transportation and transportation in China
Transportation and transportation in China

China has a wide network of transportation and transportation, which you can use to move within the tourist cities in China. Here are the most important types of local transportation in China:

The scooter:
The bicycle is one of the main means of transportation in China. It is environmentally friendly and greatly relieves the traffic pressure in the city. You can rent it through the many applications on the mobile phone, as well as motorcycles and scooters.

It is a highly efficient, air-conditioned, comfortable and cheap way. It also allows you to enjoy the beautiful scenery. However, pets are not allowed on the bus in China.



The subway is a popular way to get around in China, and it is characterized by high speed, especially in crowded places.

Taxi “Didi”
Online car ordering is a convenient and fast option for commuting in China, DiDi is the largest online car ordering platform in China.

High Speed ​​​​Train
China has the world’s largest railway system in terms of passenger volume, and commuting by train is a faster and more convenient mode of transportation than a car, especially by high-speed trains with speeds of 350 km/h or more.

China is currently the second largest aviation market in the world after the United States, and there are many airports, including Changshui Airport in Kunming, which is the fifth largest in the world.

The official currency of China
The official currency of China

The yuan is the official currency of the People’s Republic of China, called the renminbi.

Communications and the Internet in China
China has a wide and developed network of means of communication and the Internet in the world, to the extent that it has become one of the important and main countries in providing telecommunications services. Here are the most important and famous telecom companies in China:

China Mobile
China Telecom
China Netcom
China Unicom
The distance between the most famous cities in China
In order to move between the tourist cities of China easily during your tourist trip, you need to familiarize yourself with the guide to distances between cities. Here is the distance between the most famous tourist cities in China:



Beijing to Changchun 860 km 534 miles.
Changchun to Changsha 2,062 km 1,281 miles.
Changsha to Chengdu 905 km 562 miles.
Lhasa to Liaoning 3.192 km 1.983 miles.
Xi’an to Xining 701 km 436 miles.
Hainan to Hangzhou 1,509 km 938 miles.
Wuhan to Xi’an 646 km 401 miles.
Chengdu to Xi’an 606 km.
rent a car in china
Renting a car in China allows you to enjoy exploring the landscape on both sides of the road, so here are the most important guidelines and basic rules to follow to be able to rent a car in China:

Observe the speed limit in China.
Obtaining a valid driver’s license for at least one year.
Possession of an international license, a Chinese driver’s license, and a credit card in the name of the main driver.
Be aware that most rental cars come with chauffeurs.
Tourists who drive in China must undergo a medical examination.
We recommend booking the car in advance as prices vary widely due to the tourist seasons as well as different days of the week.

Be sure to check the vehicle carefully.
The best tourist cities in China
China has a variety of tourist cities, villages and regions, rich in tourist attractions and various natural and recreational places, that you can enjoy during your tourist vacation. Here are the 5 best tourist cities in China that we suggest you visit:




Tourism in Beijing
Tourism in Beijing

Beijing is the Chinese capital, and one of the most important and most beautiful tourist cities in China. It is a bustling and spacious city and includes many tourist sites that attract tourists from all over the world. You can enjoy many fun activities such as going to the huge Tiananmen Square, where many wonderful buildings such as the Forbidden City, which is a historical palace that served as the home of emperors.

You can also visit hundreds of museums scattered in Beijing, as well as palaces, temples, and archaeological sites located among modern modern buildings. And don’t miss out on exploring one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Wall of China. Add special charm to your holiday with a visit to the zoo and Beihai Park, and indulge in delicious Chinese food.

Tourism in Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Hong Kong is located on Victoria Bay in China, and is one of the most important tourist destinations in China. Hong Kong is famous for its skyscrapers and many stunning landscapes. Hong Kong also offers tourists to do a lot of wonderful things, as it allows tourists to relax in Victoria Park, as well as ride the cable car to explore the wonderful Lantau Island and enjoy the panoramic views from the top as high mountains covered with green forests.

Hong Kong is also a huge mix of cultures and people, which makes it worth a visit, in addition to Hong Kong Disneyland, Ocean Park and many other attractions.

Tourism in Xi’an
Tourism in Xi’an

Xi’an is one of the most important tourism cities in China, as it includes many important archaeological and historical sites, scattered throughout the city. It was the ancient capital of China.

Perhaps the most important tourist attraction in Xi’an, is the surprising sight of the clay warriors, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As well as visiting the city’s ancient city walls, Shaanxi History Museum, Banpo Museum and Xi’an Mosque.

Tourism in Shanghai

Shanghai is the largest city in China, and one of its most beautiful tourist attractions. Shanghai has many diverse tourist attractions. You can enjoy wandering the city streets, see the tall skyscrapers on the banks of the Huangpu River, and explore the colonial era buildings, as well as the Art Deco buildings, and the Museum of Buildings.

The city is also an eclectic mix of different architectural styles, and as a commercial center, it is great for shopping and buying beautiful souvenirs. Also, don’t miss to visit Yuyuan Gardens.



Tourism in Lhasa

Lhasa is a beautiful Chinese city, located in a beautiful mountainous environment in the Himalayas. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet, and an important tourist place in China. It is also one of the highest cities in the world.

Lhasa has many famous religious temples like Jokhang Temple, a religious city that makes you get an insight into the rich Tibetan culture. In addition to visiting Potala Palace which is the main site of interest with its amazing building, the Tibet Museum and much more.

Tips before traveling to China
Avoid drinking tap water
You can drink bottled water in China that is available everywhere and is cheap, but stay away from drinking tap water.

Make sure you always bring wipes and hand sanitizer anywhere
Since squatting baths are still the norm in China, most baths do not contain toilet paper or soap.

Be sure to wear a seat belt in taxis
This is due to the unregulated traffic in China, and for your safety.

Know that tipping culture does not exist in China
You don’t have to tip or tip in China.

Don’t forget to buy Chinese souvenirs
China has its own wonderful and delightful traditional crafts, so be sure to buy them. Also, exchange token gifts of your country with the Chinese during the tourism holiday in China, they love and appreciate it.

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Tourism in Mauritius and the 5 most important tourist destinations worth visiting

Tourism in Mauritius and the 5 most important tourist destinations worth visiting


Tourism in Mauritius is considered a paradise for travelers, as it is an island country located about 2,000 km from Africa in the Indian Ocean and southeast of the Seychelles. It is a tourist destination rich in scenic landscapes, which has made it an ideal destination for family holidays and couples.


Mauritius boasts an impressive array of sandy beaches, islands, forts, parks, museums, shopping malls, monuments and heavenly resorts. It is also surrounded by vast and colorful coral reefs, making it an ideal place for snorkeling and diving. Moreover, it allows you to explore multiple cultures and many unique attractions.

Tourism in Mauritius

Discover tourism in Mauritius
Mauritius also allows you to do many interesting tourist activities, such as surfing, swimming with dolphins, and whale watching. In addition to walking under the sea, skydiving, exploring the land of the seven colors, the botanical gardens and many other tourist attractions. Find out below for more information and tips about travel and tourism in Mauritius and 5 of its most beautiful tourist places…



Where is Mauritius located?

Best places to stay in Mauritius
Mauritius boasts some of the best hotels, resorts and various accommodations. Which caters to all services and has wonderful views of the most famous and most important landmarks of the island… Read more about the best hotels in Mauritius.

Where is Mauritius located?
Where is Mauritius located?

The island of Mauritius is located 910 km east of the island of Madagascar, in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, south of the equator. The island of Mauritius is surrounded by many other islands, including: “Rodrigues Island, Agalega Islands, Kargados Karayos Island.”

Best time to travel to Mauritius
The best time to visit Mauritius is during the months (May to December), when the weather is cool, dry and sunny. Despite this, Mauritius is considered a suitable tourist destination throughout the year, as it has a subtropical climate that usually enjoys sunshine and warmth. It is worth noting that:

Summer in Mauritius from October to April
Summer is one of the ideal seasons for tourism in Mauritius, where relaxation and enjoyment of the sun and surfing on the beaches. As well as the practice of diving in the purest waters, especially between December and March, and fishing for big fish during the months of October until April. In addition to attending celebrations such as the Festival of Lights and watching the lighting of candles and twinkling lamps all over the island.

Winter in Mauritius from “July to September”
Winter is the peak season for tourism in Mauritius, and it is the coldest season. It has pleasant and mild weather for tourism on the island, and hotel rates are much lower. You can ride quad bikes and explore the wildlife, surf especially in the region of Tamarin and Le Morne, sightseeing and relax on its wonderful beaches.

The language in Mauritius
French and English are the two official primary languages ​​in Mauritius. There are also many other languages ​​spoken by the population in Mauritius, including Mauritanian Creole, which is the mother tongue spoken by the majority of the Mauritian population. In addition to Asian languages ​​such as Hindi, such as: “Bhojpuri, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Urdu”, Chinese and Arabic in some mosques in the country.




Tourist visa in Mauritius
Tourist visa in Mauritius

When deciding to travel to the islands of Mauritius, you must obtain a tourist visa to Mauritius.

It is worth noting that Mauritius exempts many Arab countries from obtaining a visa, including:

“Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Tunisia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Morocco and Algeria”.

The Arab countries on which the visa is imposed are:

“Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Syria”.

Despite that, there are many papers and documents that must be available to all countries on which a visa is imposed or not, including the following:

A valid and valid passport.
Proof of financial ability to spend in Mauritius for the duration of the stay, which is one hundred dollars per night.
Two personal photos.
Proof of hotel reservation or accommodation in Mauritius for the duration of the vacation.
Round trip air ticket.
Foreign currency bank statement for the last three months.
A document signed not to work in Mauritius for “Visa-Exempt Countries”.
Application form for obtaining a tourist visa for the islands of Mauritius “for countries that are not exempt from visa”.
The ideal period for tourism in Mauritius
The ideal period of tourism in Mauritius is about a week, which is enough time to enjoy exploring the islands and practicing all the recreational activities and exciting water sports. The following is a tourist program for the islands of Mauritius that you can rely on or modify to suit you:

Day 1: Relaxing
On the first day, after a long day of travel, head to the hotel, explore the beaches near the hotel, enjoy watching the beautiful sunset on the sea, and enjoy the various facilities of the hotel.



Day 2: Explore the southern islands

Dormant volcano “Trou aux Cerfs” in Cape Town, explore the natural “Ganga Talo” located at the bottom of the volcano, take an enjoyable tour to Chamarel, the land of the seven colors, watch the waterfall and enjoy the scenic landscape. You can also take a night walk on the beach and go to the various nightlife places while visiting Mauritius.

Day Three: Shopping tours
You can customize it for shopping, and go to the most famous malls in Mauritius such as: Port Louis for textile goods, handicrafts, jewelry, and much more.

Fourth day: enjoying water sports
Head to the magical beaches of Mauritius and enjoy exciting water adventures, such as swimming, diving and boating. Head to the Deer Islands and Emerald Lake, ski, ride banana boats and eat the most delicious food.

Fifth day: visit the northern islands
Head to the capital, Port Louis, and discover its amazing archaeological sites, and impressive historical monuments. Explore the hippodrome and botanical garden.

Sixth day: Relaxing in one of the tourist resorts
Relax that day by enjoying sunbathing, swimming and having a massage on the beach at one of the various beach resorts in Mauritius, and exploring the beach markets.

Day Seven: Dedicate it to buying souvenirs
Buy what you want from the markets as souvenirs, and then prepare to check out from the islands of Mauritius and return home.



How much does tourism cost in Mauritius?
We advise you to plan well your budget before traveling to Mauritius, to ensure that you enjoy the perfect trip. Here are the average costs of tourism in the islands of Mauritius:

The average cost of a one-week trip to Mauritius per passenger is approximately $789.
Average hotel rates in Mauritius per person are around $547 USD per night.
The daily local transfer rates in Mauritius are around $3.10 USD for a single traveler.
The average cost of meals in restaurants is about 9.80 USD.
The average expenditure on bottled water per day in Mauritius is approximately $0.61 USD.
The prices for recreational activities in Mauritius are about 21 USD.
The average car rental in Mauritius per day is about 40 euros.
Transportation and transportation in Mauritius
Transportation and transportation in Mauritius

The Republic of Mauritius has many means of transportation and public transportation, which you can use to move around within it. The following are the most important types of public transportation in Mauritius:

Taxis are found everywhere in Mauritius and they enable you to easily get to where you want to be quickly and comfortably.



Car or motorbike rental
You can rent cars, bikes and scooters at very reasonable rates. This is done through many companies and local tour operators. Enjoy exploring the islands on your own and freely.

You can move to the place you want in Mauritius by using helicopters, and enjoy watching the best landscapes from the top, as well as being a quick and more luxurious way during tourism in Mauritius.

Buses operate throughout the island, and express bus services run from Port Louis to the north and south and to the major cities, and are a popular means of getting around in Mauritius.

The official currency of Mauritius
The official currency of Mauritius

The Mauritian rupee is the official currency used in the Republic of Mauritius, and is symbolized in international financial markets by the symbol “MUR”. The Mauritian rupee is made up of 100 subunits.



Telecommunications and the Internet in Mauritius
The telecommunications and internet system in Mauritius is characterized by its constant development and continuous change to meet the consumer’s need, through the introduction of many modern technological services and technologies to the telecommunications market. And that’s like the 5G technology, and comprehensive coverage throughout the country. Among the most important telecommunications and Internet companies in Mauritius are:

Emtel Ltd
Distance between the most popular cities in Mauritius
You should know the distances between cities and some of them in Mauritius, so that you can explore them and move between its cities easily. Here are the distances between the most famous cities in Mauritius:

Agaleja Islands to the Black River 1,101 km.
Grand Port to Mocha 25 km.
Mocha to Pamplemousses 15 km.
Port Louis to Curepipe 17 km.
Port Louis to Mocha 6 km.
Rodrigues to Goodlands 607 km.
Agaleja Islands to Port Louis 1.076 km.
Agaleja Islands to the Black River 1,096 km.
Port Louis to Pamplemouse 10 km.
Car rental in Mauritius
To enjoy a tourist holiday in Mauritius, we advise you to rent a car to explore it completely freely. They are the best way to move around the island. Here are the most important tips, documents and conditions necessary to be able to rent a car in Mauritius:



Confirm the type of car you need to travel in Mauritius and also make a reservation for a car with automatic transmission.
Verify that the company you are renting from offers additional services that are inevitable.
Rent a car at the many car rental companies in Mauritius instead of renting it from the airport, as it is much cheaper.
Check your vehicle very carefully for any damage or scratches, and make sure your lights, odometer and signals are working properly.
Double-check your personal belongings in the car before picking them up.
The driver must be at least 21 years old.
The driver must have had a valid driver’s license for at least one year (minimum 23 years).
Adhere to the speed limit in urban areas, which is 49 km / h, and 80 km / h on the main roads.
The average speed limit on a motorway (Mauritius has only one motorway)



100 km / h.
Mobile phone use while driving is prohibited.
It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol.
The best tourist cities in Mauritius
There are a lot of attractions and distinctive cities that you can visit during your holiday in Mauritius. But here are the 5 most important tourist cities in Mauritius that we advise you to visit…

Tourism in Port Louis
Tourism in Port Louis

Port Louis is located in the heart of the Indian Ocean and is the capital of the Republic of Mauritius. It is one of the most beautiful and largest tourist cities in it, and it has many ancient heritage treasures.

Port Louis allows its visitors to enjoy many enjoyable activities, such as visiting important historical sites, and many attractions such as Le Caudan waterfront, Port Louis market, and the Bleu Penny Museum.

Tourism in the village of Grand Baie
Grand Bay Village

Grand Bay Village is a coastal village with long beaches with colorful coral reefs, and offers its visitors a unique relaxing experience. It is located in the north of Mauritius, and it was called “the bay without end”. The resort town of Grand Baie is also the most popular holiday destination in Mauritius.

Grand Bay Village offers its visitors to enjoy a variety of recreational activities, the most important of which is relaxing among its emerald waters, and enjoying interesting water sports such as swimming, sailing, surfing and water skiing.

As well as boat trips and sea fishing trips. In addition to going to fashion and craft stores that sell clothes, jewelry, textiles and souvenirs at great prices.




Tourism in Curepipe
Curepipe Village

Curepipe is the second largest city in Mauritius after Port Louis, and it is nicknamed the City of Lights. It is also one of the best commercial cities in Mauritius, which is full of attractions for tourists from different parts of the world.

You can explore colonial ruins dating back to the 18th century, as it was the place where people were treated for malaria. It also provides watching many panoramic views from the top, as it is located at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. In addition to visiting the Curepipe Botanical Gardens, go hiking and camping and try the restaurants in the area.

Tourism in the village of Mahebourg

Mahebourg Village is a small village in Mauritius, with its wonderful natural scenery, and also particularly famous for its local handicrafts for shopping, and the best street food, it is an exciting tourist destination not to be missed.

The village of Mahebourg offers tourists to enjoy visiting important archaeological sites such as the National History Museum, as well as laying down and relaxing on the tourist beaches, and visiting the Mahebourg waterfront, one of the famous destinations in Mauritius.

Tourism in the village of Albion
Albion Mauritius

Albion region is located in the western part of Mauritius and is famous for being the quietest small village on the island, and it is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the country.

Albion is home to the famous Pointe aux Caves lighthouse and offers you many great water and recreational activities, it is also famous as a fishing hotspot and a remote beach destination.

Tips before traveling to Mauritius
Before traveling to Mauritius, here are the most important tips and necessary information that can help you have the perfect holiday hassle-free:

Beware of drinking tap water
Water in Mauritius is not potable, so it is best to drink only bottled water.

I notice ! Mauritius is an expensive island
So, plan well your budget before traveling and tourism in Mauritius.

Don’t miss out on getting some vaccinations before traveling to Mauritius
You need to have some vaccinations before traveling to Mauritius, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

Watch out for official holidays
Almost everything in Mauritius is closed during public holidays, especially Sundays.

Watch out for hurricanes
Mauritius is an island that is prone to cyclones, especially in summer and is unpredictable. So make sure you carry the right clothes.


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The most important tourist places in Tabuk Haql

The most important tourist places in Tabuk Haql

Tabuk Haql includes many wonderful tourist places, learn about 9 of the most beautiful tourist places in Tabuk Haql, which we advise you to visit during your vacation:



Tabuk Water Park

Tabuk Water Park or Waterfall Park offers you many recreational activities, and various water games. It enjoys wide fame and is one of the most important tourist attractions in the city.

When you visit it, you can enjoy the picturesque landscapes, and the vast green spaces. As well as the many water slides spread in the garden, and safe swimming pools that suit different age groups. This is in addition to restaurants, family and friends boards, and a lot of facilities and services that visitors need.



Almond mountain
Jabal Al-Louz field in Tabuk

Jabal al-Lawz is one of the most legendary mountains in Saudi Arabia, with some considering Jabal al-Lawz to be the real Mount Sinai. And that is where Moses had a legendary experience with God Almighty, as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. It is the best place that you can visit during tourism in Tabuk Haql, as it is the highest mountain in the Tabuk region.


The mountain lies behind the northern end of the Red Sea, making it the only place in Saudi Arabia where it snows almost every year. It also offers to see rare rock paintings, unique carvings, as well as some archaeological sites such as the old quarry.

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The most important tourist places in Khasab Oman

The most important tourist places in Khasab Oman

Khasab Oman has many tourist places worth visiting. Here are 9 of them:

Oman Fjords



The state of Khasab is famous for its majestic fjords, so if you intend to travel to Khasab Oman. The first thing you must visit is the magnificent fjords of Oman, in order to enjoy the scenic views, but you need to book your tour first.

Exciting sailing and kayak tours are available to discover the magic of these fjords, you can also choose a full-day boat trip to enjoy seeing the fjords and sea bays, as well as coastal villages and picturesque marine life that are worth exploring during your vacation.



Khasab Dolphin Tours

One of the most beautiful things you can do in Khasab Oman is to take a dolphin watching tour by riding a sailboat along the coast and passing through Telegraph Island.

These wonderful tours allow you to see a variety of friendly dolphins, which approach the boat to welcome you. You can play with it and take souvenir photos next to it. It is a fun filled tour that adults and children are looking for.



Khasab Castle

A visit to Khasab Castle is one of the best ways in which tourists can get a glimpse of the shape of Oman before globalization. It is characterized by its unique historical architecture. It was built by the Portuguese in the seventeenth century, and it is one of the most important tourist attractions in Khasab Oman.

Khasab Castle is not just a fortress, as there is a museum in the building as well, which is one of the best museums that allows you to learn about the history of the country and how Omanis were in that ancient period of time. As well as take a closer look at Omani handicrafts.



bassa beach
Bassa Beach in Khasab, Oman

Bassa Public Beach is one of the tourist attractions in the state of Khasab. It is within walking distance of the ferry terminal, and travelers can get there by land as well as by sea. There are many activities that you can do while you are here, such as swimming, strolling along the sandy beach, as well as completely safe camping on the beach, and lying on the sand with a relaxing effect on your muscles.

This is in addition to enjoying turtle watching, which is the main attraction on the beach. And also go to spend a night on a sailboat and enjoy the moonlight, and do not forget the adventure of climbing the mountains surrounding the sea, and watching the wonderful panoramic views from the top.

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Thermal springs are Sirmoni’s most famous and most popular tourist attraction.

Thermal springs are Sirmoni’s most famous and most popular tourist attraction.


thermal baths
Thermal baths in Sirmione

Thermal springs are Sirmoni’s most famous and most popular tourist attraction. This is as it is not only a place of recreation, but also a therapeutic psychological and health destination. The reason for this is that it has sulfate-containing water, which makes it a major cause in the treatment of many different diseases.

The thermal center provides its visitors with modern and high-quality services, in order to enjoy well-being and meet their various health needs and desires. And that is through the two separate thermal baths “Center de Virgilio – Aquaria Center”.



Maria Callas Park
Parco Maria Classe in Sirmione

Parco Maria Classe Park is on your right side, when walking from the center of Sirmione towards the Catullo Caves and Jamaica Beach. It is an ideal recreational haven for visitors, as well as a free park. The park is blessed with scenic natural beauty, which made it one of the ideal tourist places in Sirmoni.

The park provides you with ample green spaces, to have a great time wandering and hiking, enjoying the many animals and plants, or head to the nearby beach of the park, to enjoy some sunbathing and swimming.



Gardaland Theme Park and Sea Life Aquarium

Gardaland theme park and Sea Life Aquarium is one of the most beautiful tourist places in Sirmione Italy, ideal for families and children. This is because it includes many thrill rides to explore the park.

Gardaland gives you many opportunities to enjoy a lot of fun activities, and great games on many topics such as fantasy kingdom, children’s country and energy. As well as one of the largest rollercoasters in the city, as well as viewing rare animals in the Sea Life Aquarium, which includes forty tanks with more than 5,000 animals, can be seen in a variety of many areas of the park.



The ancient city of Sirmione

The ancient city of Sirmoni is one of the most important tourist attractions in Sirmoni, Italy. Due to the small size of the city, you can explore all the beautiful sights of the city in less than two hours.

Walk and stroll the narrow streets of the Old Town, see the ancient Roman ruins, the castle, the beaches, and a variety of many shops to buy your own beautiful souvenirs.



Catullo’s Grotto
Catullo Cave in Italy

Catullo Grotto is one of the most famous historical sites in Sirmione. This is where many tourists from all over the world come every year. It is an ancient Roman villa, covering about two acres of the most beautiful grounds of Sirmione.

You can enjoy stunning views of the blue waters of the lagoon from this grand Roman villa. As well as enjoying taking many great photographs, especially on a sunny day and a clear sky. Do not miss visiting it during the tourism holiday in Sirmoni, Italy.

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The twelve springs of Musa is one of the tourist attractions in Tabuk Haql. It is a

The twelve springs of Musa is one of the tourist attractions in Tabuk Haql. It is a



Wells of Moussa Maqna
Wells of Musa Maqna in Tabuk

The twelve springs of Musa is one of the tourist attractions in Tabuk Haql. It is a

historical landmark located in the Magna Valley in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it is the longest-lived miracle in the world, and offers many visitors a spiritual experience as the Prophet Moses came to drink water from one of these wells, after crossing the Red Sea and arriving at Maqna.

The well of the Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, is known as the well of Al-Saedni, and it has clean, clear water that flows from the ground in several places. You can admire the palm trees wrapped around the small springs, which sprang up from the middle of the sand, as well as the blue waters of Aqaba Bay from the top of the hill.

Tabuk Museum

The Tabuk Regional Museum is the perfect example of highlighting the history of the Arabian Peninsula. The museum allows you to admire some of the wonderful artifacts displayed in many of the rooms, and each room has its own history.


There is a room dedicated to the founding of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 AD, another room for the Nabataean era, and one for prehistoric sculptures. In addition to displaying interactive information about the Tabuk region today on screens and walls.

Walking Head (Titanic Field)
titanic field

The Gulf of Aqaba offers stunning scenery with a length of 170 km, stretching from Ras Sheikh Humaid in the south to the city of Aqaba in the north. Ras Al Mashi Bay is one of the most famous, most prominent and best places for tourism in Tabuk Haql. Near the shore there is a shipwreck still protruding from the water, known as the Saudi Titanic or Haql ship.

Head Walk offers you great opportunities to enjoy swimming, diving, spotting marine life, colorful coral reefs, ornate white sandy beaches, located at the foot of majestic mountains and beautiful islands, as well as charter boats and luxury yachts.



mills market
The mills market, Tabuk, Haql

Souk Al-Tawahin is a small old market located in the old quarter of Tabuk Haql. It is one of the prominent tourist signs of the region, as it still preserves its important historical and commercial status.

The Mill Market is famous for displaying the necessities of the local Bedouins, from their tent coverings made of black and white goat hair, rugs and cushions, exquisitely ornate camel saddles, daggers, and swords as well as fresh food produce.

Tabuk Castle

This majestic castle is considered one of the oldest castles in the city of Tabuk, as this historical wonder dates back to 1559 AD. It is one of the important historical and archaeological sites in the city.

Today, the citadel is considered a wonderful museum, with its many wonderful historical artifacts from the Ottoman period to be explored. As well as the city’s association with the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace), and also many famous explorers such as Evliya Chalabi and Ibn Battuta. The castle includes two beautiful mosques connected by beautiful courtyards and towering watchtowers.


Prince Fahd bin Sultan Park

Prince Fahd Bin Sultan Park is one of the most beautiful places in the city, with stunning views of the Red Sea, and is the perfect recreational haven for visitors and locals alike.

The park has a temperate climate that is ideal for strolling among the vast green areas, which allows you to walk, jog or relax and sit in the pure and calm surroundings. As well as including many sports fields, a running track and many fine restaurants. It is one of the most prominent places of tourism in Tabuk Haql.

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Bahrain Restaurants 2022: A guide to the best Bahrain restaurants that have proven their worth

Bahrain Restaurants 2022: A guide to the best Bahrain restaurants that have proven their worth



Bahrain possesses an integrated set of distinct tourism components that made Bahrain a tourist destination for all tourists, especially Gulf tourists, and among these components the availability of luxurious and traditional restaurants that cater to all tastes.




The presence of restaurants is an important factor in the development of tourism, as it plays a role in serving tourism and facilitating the lives of tourists during their stay in Bahrain, and gives them an idea of ​​the ancient Bahraini cuisine.



The best restaurants in Bahrain
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In Bahrain restaurant Ammoush

You realize from his name the type of foods he serves. Omoush Restaurant is an experiment conducted by a Bahraini youth, Abdullah Al-Aradi, to revive the popular Bahraini food, especially among young people, with great success inside and outside the Kingdom.



The design of the restaurant is simple and consists of two floors. Upstairs sitting at ground and first floor tables. As you enter the restaurant, you will notice the unique scribbles and colors that cover the walls and ceiling of the restaurant. Organisation, quietness and cleanliness are all striking factors that are also taken into account to ensure visitor comfort



Omoush Restaurant is located on Budaiya Street in Manama, Al Muqabah District. The restaurant offers different meals that suit you, between shakshouka, cheese, labneh, hot Iranian bread and other dishes suitable for breakfast time and others for lunch and dinner, most notably Balalet and Moush.



Omoush Restaurant is a perfect experience to be integrated as it includes reasonable prices, varied meals, service, cleanliness, hospitality, excellent location and great taste. Therefore, it deserves to be among the best restaurants in Bahrain for popular foods at the moment.



Visit the restaurant

Ziyara Restaurant is a restaurant located in Bahrain, serving a selection of Arabic that delivers across Salhiya, Seef and Zinj.

Best-selling dishes include mushroom soup, hummus with chicken shawarma, chilled beef kebabs, and half-roasted spicy chicken, although there are a variety of dishes and meals to choose from, such as soups, chicken shawarma, and grills.



Sitting in a visit that takes you on a quick tour to the past to be able to see the heritage of Bahraini and Arab food represented in the different meals of the visit, and the way of living represented in the way the food is presented and the interior design of the place. Therefore, the restaurant is also the most suitable option for a nice family outing, and this restaurant has been rated 4 according to 290 Talabat user reviews.



Lantern Restaurant

Letters is a restaurant located in Bahrain, serving a selection of Indian that delivers across Muharraq, Hidd and Busaiteen.

Best selling dishes are steam rice, chicken makhani, chicken tikka masala and beef biryani, although they have a variety of dishes and meals to choose from, such as bread, rice, curry, masala, curry, masala and biryani.



Lanterns do not offer a traditional experience but are more suitable for adventure lovers and lovers of innovation. Even in Indian food, don’t wait for the usual food prepared from curries and other traditional mixtures, but expect everything new, so one visit is not enough as you will always crave other visits for their other dishes.



Aroma Coffee

The coolest café in Bahrain boasts an irresistibly delicious menu, friendly service and a wide range of entertainment options.
Aroma Restaurant & Café is the perfect choice for events. Where you can take advantage of its spacious spaces that accommodate up to 300 people, the restaurant includes five beautifully appointed private dining rooms. And vibrant graphics.




Aroma is ready to receive 300 visitors at a time, and it has created the right recreational environment to enjoy every moment. A distinctive combination of good food and service, spacious design, children’s play area and affordable price also makes it on our list of the best restaurants in Bahrain.



tea club

The Tea Club is a luxury café that makes you feel while you are sitting in one of the European palaces, with a luxurious interior design as well as an attractive view especially in the Amwaj branch.

Various kinds of tea from India, China, Japan and other African styles. All are available in the tea club to give the customer different tastes from all over the world in one place presented in a classy way. The tea club has recently expanded to include additional dishes of food and desserts to provide a complete service to the customer.



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Wafi Gourmet Bahrain Restaurant

This restaurant is so popular in the Middle East that the restaurant first opened its doors in Dubai under the name “Judy”, at a time when food was somehow limited to certain types. Since then, the restaurant has started to develop significantly to start its operation in City Center Bahrain.



Wafi Gourmet is also among the top destinations for tasting authentic Arabic food, such as hot and cold appetizers (hummus is the tastiest dish in the kingdom), mixed grills, kebabs, shawarma, and seafood.

Before leaving the restaurant, be sure to visit the grocery section at Wafi Gourmet, which serves high-quality olives of various kinds, herbs, spices, nuts, and homemade Arabic sweets.



please burger

Blaze is a restaurant located in Bahrain, serving a selection of American that delivers across Adliya, Amwaj and Muharraq.

Top selling dishes include make your own burger on top, french fries, gourmet wagyu burger and 6 abuja burger, although they have a variety of dishes and meals to choose from, such as burgers, fries, burgers and fam burgers.



The restaurant is known for preparing fresh, homemade burgers, spicy fries with cheese and their signature tapoja burger. We know that tapoja may be a very unhealthy choice due to its creamy ingredients, but it tastes so delicious, it is in itself

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