The most important tourist places in the city of Jajica, Bosnia
The most important tourist places in the city of Jajica, Bosnia
The Bosnian city of Jajica has many great attractions. If you are planning to travel and tourism in the city of Jajica, Bosnia soon, here is a list of the most beautiful recommended attractions:
Pliva Falls
Pliva Falls, Bosnia
Jajce is best known for its impressive natural waterfall, unusually located right in the city centre, at the confluence of two rivers. With a height of more than 20 meters, it is one of the city’s most popular tourist attractions.
The waterfall allows tourists to enjoy panoramic views from above, as well as the possibility of jumping from the waterfall, swimming in the bright turquoise waters, meditating and taking the most amazing photographs ever.
Pliva Lakes
Pliva Lakes is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the Bosnian city of Jajce. This is because it offers tourists many interesting tourist activities.
Enjoy long walks among the lush green hills surrounding the lakes. As well as kayaking, fishing, and swimming. An ideal location for water activities, it hosts international kayaking competitions.
The Old Watermills
Old water mills in Jajica, Bosnia
It is a group of huts, most of which belong to the Austro-Hungarian era. It is no longer used for actual milling, but has become a popular tourist attraction in the Bosnian city of Jajica.
Visit the open-air Museum of the Mills, witness the most amazing imaginative landscapes, stroll through the greenery, and see the waterfalls and the bridge that spans between them.